Chapter 28

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Previously on Chapter 27

I place my hand on my neck as it starts to hurt even more. My eyes sight starts to get blurry. I sway a little. Fubuki stands up and place his hand on my back, supporting me. "Y/N... are you okay?" Was the last thing I heard, then everything turns dark. I fall limp in Fubuki's arms.

-Final Battle-


We're all gathering around in a soccer field. This will be our final battle against the Aliea Academy. We've gotta win this... after this battle is over... so will our journey. Then there will be no more Aliea Academy. It will be our victory.

I'm doing some stretches as a warm up. Fubuki walk up to me. I stand straight and smile at him. But he looks worried. "What's wrong, Fubuki?" I asks. He pulls me closer to him. "Take your immortality back, baby..." he said. "Why? That's the only way for you to be safe from Matt..." I said. "I know... but... without it, you've been getting sick pretty easily... you need it more than I do, Y/N..." he said. What he said is true. Ever since I gave him my immortality, I get sick very easily.

I let out a sigh "I don't care... I just want to keep you safe... you know when he'll come back... I don't want you to get hurt, Fubuki..." I said. "But baby!" He try to argue, but I place a soft kiss on his lips to shut him up.

I pull away "but nothing... don't worry about me. I'll get used to it..." I said. He frowns "seeing you sick... it hurts me..." he said. I cup his cheeks "I'll be fine... as long as I know you're okay, baby..." I said. "You're just gonna stand back... you don't have to participate in the match..." he said. I shake my head at what he said. "No, Fubuki... I wanna be in the match... this is our final battle... I don't wanna miss it out. I wanna help!" I said. He stares into my eyes, then let out a deep sigh. "Alright... fine... but don't push yourself too much, okay? I don't want you to get sick again..." he said. I nod my head and peck his lips.

We head to the field to meet with our opponent. The Genesis. I scan through their faces. Then I can feel my eyes widened when I see a familiar face among them. "Matt?!!" I yell out in shock. He smirks at me "hey, babygirl..." he said. I glare at him "I should've  known... you were one of them!" I scream at him out of pure anger. His smirk grows "you have yourself to blame on that, baby... if you would've be with me... I wouldn't do this... I've been watching all of you's Hissatsus... as well as their weaknesses... oh boy, this will be an easy match" he said. I clench my hands into a tight fists. "Traitor!!!" I scream. He shrugs his shoulders. "Whatever you say..." he said, rolling his eyes.

The sound of the flute let us know that the match has begun. I have the ball in my possession, as I keep on kicking it towards the opponent's goal. This will be a hard match for us, with Matt on their group and him knowing our hissatsus. But no matter what, I refuse to give up. We are going to win and nothing can stop us!


In the middle of the match. I fall on my knees. My vision going in and out of focus. 'Shit... I can't give up now... we only need one more score... it's 1:1 now... and there isn't much time left... so the next team who made the score wins the match. I have to fight! We have to win..." I thought to myself.

Then from the side, I can hear Fubuki's calling for me. "Y/N! Baby... Take it back! Your immortality. You need it more than I do!" He scream loudly. I turn to him and shake my head. "No... with Matt here... I couldn't risk it..." I said, not looking at him as I breathe heavily. "I'd rather die than seeing you get hurt... Y/N please..." he pleads at me. I shake my head and with shaky legs, I stand up.

"I am a lot stronger than I am... I don't need to be an immortal to win! I... L/N Y/N the legendary striker of Y/C! I vow to win this match for us and put an end to you, Aliea Academy!!" I scream. I can feel my eyes glowing red. All I see is red, but I can still make out within friends and foes.

I start running at full speed, feeling my strength grows rapidly. I snatch the ball from the opponent, then run straight towards their goal. I jump really high taking the ball with me. "Narukami!!!!" I yell out, kicking it.

I land gracefully on my feet and watch as the ball advance towards their goal. I can see the keeper struggles. My eyes turns even redder and I raise my hand, willing my hissatsu to grow stronger. Then it made it in.

The timer went off as a sign of the end of the match. I smile "we won..." I breathe out. "Yeah!!! Alright!!!" My group screams out. I can feel my eyes going back to its normal color. I crouch down start coughing out blood.

"Y/N!!!" I heard someone screams. Then I fall on my side. Fubuki cradle me in his arms. "Baby, you know that your body isn't strong enough... why would you use that technique... are... a-are you t-trying to g-get yourself killed?" He asks, his voice cracks in the end. I look at him, then I look at the rest of the group. I smile at them.

"I had to... for us... a sacrifice needs to be made... I'd rather it be me than any of you... you guys helps me through everything... I can play soccer again thanks to all of you... w-when I t-thought I couldn't p-play anymore... you all came and change that... this is the least I can do... thank you..." I said, my eyes starts to close. "Y/N! No! Don't close your eyes! Please... y-you can't leave m-me like this..." Fubuki pleads. But I couldn't keep it open anymore and give in to the darkness.

Fubuki P.O.V

I shake her trying to get her to wake up. I shake my head and hugs her close to my chest. "D-don't l-leave me, baby... please... come back... I still need you..." I cried out.

I lean my head onto her chest. Then I can hear a faint heartbeat. "She's alive! Call the ambulance!!! Hurry!!" I scream. Endou hurriedly grabs his phone and calls the ambulance. I held Y/N close to me.

Y/N... Baby... please... keep your heart beating for me... don't leave me. I need you in my life

*to be continued*

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