Chapter 23

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Previously on Chapter 22

When I pull away. She have a sinister look on her face. I smirk, knowing I got her into it. "So? Deal?" I said, offering my hand. She smirks as well and shake my hand. "Deal" she said. Time to get the plan going.

-How Could You?-


Today is just another training session. For some odd reason... Aliea Academy never showed up. They've been silent. No Attack... Nor destruction anywhere. I hope it'll stay like that... It's peaceful.

But there's one thing bothering me. The new girl... Alyssia, have been trying to get closer to Fubuki. But I trust him. He won't hurt me... I know he loves me. He won't betray me. I know he won't.

We took a break after we finished training. I sit at the bench and take a drink from my water bottle. Fubuki walks over and take a seat next to me. He smiles at me and drape an arm on my shoulder.

I smile softly at him. He returns it and place a soft kiss on the side of my head. "hey... After training... Do you want to go on a walk with me?" He asks. "Yeah... Sure..." I said. I can feel a pair of us staring at us with hatred. I turn my head and surely enough... There's Alyssia, who is looking at me with a glare. She looks away as soon as she realise I have caught her staring.

Alyssia P.O.V

Fubuki-Kun will be mine. He's Mine! I don't care if he's with Y/N... I'll steal him away from her. He's better of with me anyway. After all... I'm a lot prettier than her.

Just you wait, Y/N... Fubuki-Kun will be mine!



Fubuki and I is walking around the town just like what we planned. He have his arm around my shoulder.

We walk in silent, but we would say something to each other once in a while. But I don't really mind the silence... It's really peaceful.... Since I'm with Fubuki.

"Hey... Do you want to grab something to eat?" He ask, looking down at me. "Hm? Yeah sure... I'm starting to feel hungry too..." I said. He nod his head "let's go then..." He said. Then we just make our way to the nearest convenient store to look for something to eat.

Fubuki buy our meal and we leave the store. Then we head for the park. When we get there, we look for a spot to eat. Which will be under the tree. Then we start eating. He would feed me his meal and I would do the same.

Then we notice how late it was getting. Fubuki is the first to get up. He offers his hand to me. "Come on, baby... Let's head back..." He said. I smile and grab his hand. He pulls me up to my feet. Then we start walking back to our camp-site.

When we get there, everyone instantly coming at us... Questioning us where we've been and so on. Which makes me drop some sweat.

"Guys... Come on... They're couple... It's only normal for them to spend some time with each other..." Natsumi said, backing us up. "True... Don't be so harsh on them..." Aki joins in. The other members just laugh nervously at the two manager's comment.

Natsumi smiles at me. "Go on and take a bath... You must be tired, Y/N-Chan..." She said. I just smile at her. "Thank you..." Then I turn to look at Fubuki. "I'll see you later... Yeah?" I said to him. He smiles and nod his head. He gives me a soft peck on the lips. "Yeah... I'll see you later, baby..." He said. Then I turn around and head towards the bathroom.

At Midnight

I couldn't sleep... So I decide to take a walk. I get up, trying to be as quiet as possible... I don't want to wake anyone. Then I get out of the bus and start walking.

I heard voices. Out of curiosity, I decided to check out to see who is up this late other than me. I starts to walk towards it. When I made it there... I instantly regret choosing to check it.

Fubuki and Alyssia is there. They are kissing. The sight instantly brought some tears to my eyes. I walk forward and yank Alyssia away from Fubuki.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I scream at them. "Y-Y/N... It's not..." Fubuki starts, but I cut him off before he could say anything any further. "Not what? Not what I think? I know what I saw!" I yell at him, shutting him up. Endless tears start to stream down my cheeks. "H-how could you, I trusted you... But apparently... It's just a big mistake!" I scream at him. His eyes widened at what I said. "N-no... Y/N... I-" he start, but I cut him off again. "SHUT UP!!" I scream. He just stare at me with sadness in his eyes. But I ignore that and turn to Alyssia.

I slap her hard across the face. Then I push her to the ground. I glare down at her. "And you... He is MY Boyfriend. Why would you do that? Huh?! Are you some kind of a slut??" I yell at her. She stares at me wide-eyed. This wakes everyone up. I walk up to her, about to slap her again. But a hand stop me.

I turn my head to see coach Kira. "Y/N... I do not tolerate violence among comrade. For you want to cause trouble... You might as well leave this group..." she said, with a serious tone.

I yank my hand away from her grip. I look at her with a cold expression. "with pleasure... It seems to me that you preferred to have her *pointing towards Alyssia* more than me! Then I'd rather leave... Goodbye..." I said. Then I turn to leave. "No! Y-Y/N... Don't... D-Don't go..." I heard Fubuki pleading for me to stay. I stop walking and turn to look at him. Tears is still streaming down. "I c-can't stay... You've hurt me, Fubuki... I trusted you and you betray me!!" I scream the last part. Then I shake my head and turn around. I take off running. I ignore the pleads they are sending for me to stay.

*to be continued*

A/N: hi hi! Sorry for the long wait 😢🙏. But here's the next chapter. Thank you so much for those of you who waited patiently. I will try to update this book as often as possible. I hate to keep you guys waiting. Till' then... See ya!!!

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