Chapter 12

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Previously on Chapter 11

A hand is placed on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Gouenji. "She'll be okay... We all know that she's a strong girl" he said. Then suddenly, the screaming stopped.



Fubuki P.O.V

This is horrible. They've been in there for hours. 'Is Y/N okay? How is she? What if...' I shook my head to brush off the last thought. No... She can't be, she's a strong girl. There's no way.

After a while, the doctor steps out. I instantly makes my way to him. "How is she, Doc? She's okay, right?" I asks questions in a rapid pace. He place a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry... But we have tried our best" he said. My heart broke after hearing what came out of the doctor's mouth. I shake my head. "No... That can't be true... She can't be!" I yell. I brush past him, and enter the room.

There she laid, motionlessly on the hospital bed. I slowly took a shaky steps towards her bed. I held her hand in mine. I kneel down next to her bed. "Y/N... Can you hear me? Please tell me you're not gone... Please tell me you're just pretending. Tell me this is just a joke.... Please..." I said, as I starts to cry.

There is no response from her. I choke a sob as I place my head on her hand and begin to cry harder. "Y/N... Please tell me this is just a nightmare" I begs. Her hands is starting to get really cold. 'No... Please God, no' I thought shaking my head.

I stand up, placing my hand in both of her shoulder. I begin shaking her. "Y/N! Wake up! You are not dead! You can't be dead! I know you can hear me! Wake up!!" I yell. I sob "please..." I begs. My tears drip off from my cheeks and on hers.

Then a hand is placed on my shoulder. Gently pulling me away from Y/N. It's Endou. "That's enough Fubuki... You need to let her go" he said, sorrowfully. I just cried and collapse on both my knees. "She can't be gone... She can't. I haven't got a chance to tell her how I felt... She can't be gone. She's just asleep, she is only sleeping. She'll wake up soon, I know she will" I cried. Everyone else in the room, just put their heads down.

Gouenji kneel down in front of me. He place his hands on my shoulder. "Fubuki... Listen to me... I know you are in pain. We are all in pain of loosing Y/N. I know you love her. But you have to let her go... She's in a better place now" he said.

But I don't hear him

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But I don't hear him. Everything is a blur. All I could hear is just a bunch of noises. They help me up and guide me out of the hospital. Then we head back to the base. I didn't say a thing along the way.


It was now dinner time. The managers is making dinner for all of us. Everyone else is gathering as they all eat in silent. But I didn't  eat anything. I couldn't eat... I can't eat. All I could think about is Y/N. I can't believe she's gone.

I just sit next to a tree, that Y/N used to climb. I just sit there, looking at the branch Y/N use to sit on. I can almost see her up there. "Y/N..." I say, as a tear escaped my eyes. Then I can hear footsteps coming towards me. "Fubuki..." I heard someone said. I look up to see Kazemaru.

He moves and seat next to me. Then he looks up at the sky. "It's hard to believe, isn't it?" He said. "It's hard to believe that she's gone..." I continue.

Then there's a pause. "Look... I know it's painful for you... It's painful for us too. She's a part of this team.... She's a great friend. It's hard for us, but I can see you're the one most affected by her death since you have a deep feelings for her. But you have to let her go... She's in a better place now, you need to let her rest. I know you love her so much. But you need to accept the truth" he said.

My heart shattered. I know he's right... But I just can't seem to do that. I can't accept the fact that Y/N is gone. It's just so hard.... Please God... I'm begging you, please tell me this only a nightmare... A nightmare that I just wants to wake up so badly.

I just ignore Kazemaru as he tries to talk to me. I just get up from my spot and head towards the van. I take a seat in one of the seat and lean my head back. I look up at the ceiling and sigh. 'Y/N... I really wish you're still here... I didn't get a chance to tell you how I truly felt about you... I didn't get a chance to say 'I love you' to you' I thought, more tears stream down my eyes. Without noticing it... I fall asleep.

The Next Day

Today we are going back to the hospital. We need to take care of her body. We need to start planning on her funeral. God... This is so painful... I can't believe that she's really gone.

We are now standing in front of the morgue, to say goodbye to Y/N for one last time. I decide to go last. I want to have more time with her.

After a while, it's finally my turn. I got up from my seat and enter the morgue. I slowly walk closer to her now lifeless body, until I stand right in front of her.

I slowly lift my hand up and place it on her head. "Hey Y/N... I hope you're doing okay... I know that you probably can't hear me right now... I'm sorry that I have to tell you like this... But I really need to tell you, before I can't see you anymore..." I said. I lean down and kiss her forehead. "I love you, Y/N..." I said. A tear escaped my eyes and lands on her cheek.

I look at her one last time. Then I lean down and kiss her cold lips. I put all emotion in my kiss. I really wish she's here... Kissing me back. But I know that's impossible, she's already gone.

I stand straight and walk towards the door. But before I walk out. I turn around and look at her one last time. More tears streams down my eyes. "Goodbye Y/N... I love you, so much" I said. Then I turn around and leave her forever.

*to be continued*

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