Chapter 18

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Previously on Chapter 17

"Endou-Kun... I'd like to join this group please" he said. Fubuki tense once again. "Sure! You're welcome to join us" Endou said with a big grin on his face. My eyes widened in respond. This won't end well.... I know it won't.

Let's just hope this new guy won't try anything bad... Or there will be a fight occurring among us



It's been a week since Matt join our team. He's pretty nice. But Fubuki isn't happy with him at all. No matter what, he wants me to keep my distance from the boy.

Matt keep trying to talk to me. But every time he did, Fubuki would come and drag me away from him.

Today is another training session for us. It's kinda weird that Aliea Academy hasn't made an appearance for a while. What's happening to them? Did they quit? But that's not possible, they were so persistence on getting rid of us. But we keep on training nonetheless, cause we never know when they finally would make an appearance.

We are stretching right now. As I was my legs, I can see shadow looming above me. I look up to see Matt looking down at me with a smile. I sit straight and look up at him. "Is there anything I can help you with?" I asks. "Nothing really... I just want to have a little chat with you... Is that okay?" he said, still with the same smile on his face.

I was about to say something, when someone comes and blocks me from Matt's view. It was none other than my boyfriend, Fubuki Shirou. "Fubuki..." I said. He turns to me, then turns to Matt with a glare. "How many time do I have to tell you, this girl is off limits! she's mine!" He said in a growling voice.

Matt just smile at him. "I was just trying to be friendly... Nothing more" he said. "Yeah right... You think I'm stupid? I can clearly see what you are actually aiming for... The way you look at Y/N... I know that you like her! But she's mine! So get lost!!" Fubuki spat. I can see his fist clenching tightly.

I get up and held his hand gently. He turns to me. I shake my head "that's enough Fubuki... If this goes on... There will be a fight occurring between us... That will mean trouble for you... I don't want you to be in trouble because of me" I said gently. He sigh and pulls me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I wrap mine around his torso, leaning my head on his chest. I hear him let out a sigh

"I'm sorry baby... I'm just worried that he will try and take you away from me" he whispers. I rub his back softly, to ease him from anger. "Shh... There's nothing you need to worry about. Nothing's going to take me away from you... You're the one I love, no one else... You're the only one I want... So don't start an unnecessary fight" I said, softly. He relax under my touch and pulls away. He nods his head at me.

He looks at me for a moment, then he starts leaning in. But a hand got in between our lips. We pull away to see Endou looking at us with a serious expression. "Oh come on! It's just a kiss!" Fubuki exclaim. "I know... But do that after the training session is over" he said as he turns around and start walking away.

I'm about to walk after him, when a hand grab my wrist and turns me around. I let out a yelp and my hands landed on a firm chest. Fubuki smiles at me. "Fubuki... You heard what Endou just said, right?" I said. "Oh i heard alright... Loud and clear... But nothing's gonna stop me from kissing my own Girlfriend" he said. He kiss me softly. I gasp out of shock, but recover and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Fubuki! Y/N! Quit kissing and start training!!" I jump as Endou suddenly yell at us. I blushed as Fubuki just laugh. He kiss my cheek, then he just run of to the field. "Hey!" I yelled at him as I start to run after him. Once everyone got into position, the training session starts.

After a while of training, we sit on the grass out of breath. Then someone hold a water bottle in front of me. "Oh... Thanks..." I said, accepting the water. I look up to see Matt. But before I could open the bottle, someone snatch it away from me. It was Fubuki. "Don't drink it... Drink this one instead" he said, handing me a new one while looking at Matt with a hard glare. I sigh and take it from him. 'Can't they just get along?' I thought as I drink the water Fubuki gave me.

Matt P.O.V

Tch... That boy keep interfering. But I'm not gonna give up now. I'm gonna keep trying. I never said its going to be easy. But nothing's gonna stop me from getting Y/N.

I can sense the glare he sent me. It's almost like something is drilling a hole on my head. But I just pretend I didn't notice. He didn't scare me, not one bit. Nothing is going to stop me from having Y/N. She will be mine.

Just you wait Fubuki... Wait until I can make Y/N fall for me. Then she will fall right into my arms and be mine.

I close my eyes and imagine how Y/N would run towards me. Matt!!! I love you!!! Marry me!! I can almost hear her voice in my head. Just thinking about it makes me start giggling like a maniac, with a deep blush on my face. (if you watch Noragami, just imagine how Yato starts imagining himself with his regalias and start laughing out of no where and Hiyori looks at him weirdly). Everyone is looking at me weirdly. But I just ignore them, too busy with my own fantasy.


Matt is acting so weird right now. He's have a blush on his face and starts talking to himself. I wonder what he's thinking about. But at the same time... I'd rather not know what it was about.

He snap out of it, when someone smack his head. I turn my head to see Fubuki with a scowl on his face. "Hey! What was that for?" Matt yell at him. "I don't know what you're thinking about, but by the look of your face... I think I can get the picture... And I don't like it one bit!!" Fubuki spat at him. "What are you talking about?" Matt asks him.

I sigh 'seriously these boys. There's something bad going on among us, we should be focusing on training. But they decide to argue like this...' I thought to myself.

"You know what they're arguing about right?" I heard someone said next to me. I turn my head to look at Kazemaru. "What?" I question. He sigh and turn to look at me. "You do know what their problem is, right?" He asks again. I think about it, then shrug my shoulders. He face-palm. "Seriously Y/N... How can you be so oblivious?" He asks. "Hey... You said that as if I was stupid..." I said, pouting. He pokes my forehead. "I'm not saying you're stupid... I'm saying you're too oblivious for your own good" he said, walking away. I just watch his back as he walks away, leaving me standing in front of two arguing boys, deep in thought. As I think about it.... Something comes in mind.

Is Fubuki jealous of Matt... He is, isn't he?

*to be continued* 

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