Beginning of Something New

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Beep beep beep-

Dark groggily slapped his alarm clock to shut it up, groaning as he drew the covers over his head.

"Wake up Dark, you have to get ready for your first day of school!" Dark's father called out from the kitchen.

He could smell pancakes and hear the sound of crackling bacon from the kitchen, encouraging him to crawl out of bed.

He quickly changed into a black tank top and black jeans with a black jacket accompanied with red and white sneakers before darting downstairs to eat.

"Slow down, I don't want you to choke." Damien chuckled as Dark practically inhaled his stack of pancakes and bacon before darting into the bathroom to brush his teeth and attempt to tame his unruly hair.

By the time he had grabbed his black backpack off of the floor of his room and sling it over his shoulder, the bus had pulled up in front of his house.

"Have a good day Dark, I'll see you when I get home from work!" Dark's father promised as he handed his son his lunch packed into a brown paper sack before Dark ran out the door, nearly stumbling over his feet in his rush.

"W-wait!" Dark cried as the bus started to leave without him, panic gripping his heart as struggled to catch it before he was left behind.

He breathed out a sigh of relief when it abruptly stopped, allowing him to climb in.

"Hey, come sit over here!" Anti shouted from the back of the bus, motioning for Dark to join him.

"Here, I'll even let you have the window seat." Anti offered, switching places with him as Dark reached him.

"What made you miss the bus?" Anti prompted curiously as the bus began moving again.

"I-I do-on't know." Dark admitted as he watched the world race by in a blur of bright white headlights passing by.

"At least I got the bus to stop." Anti grinned happily.

"Yo-ou did t-that?" Dark replied in surprise.

"Yeah. No problem by the way, that's what friends are for." Anti stated while beaming proudly.

"Ooh, by the way, my dad told me that he talked to my teacher and that he found out that we have the same teacher!" Anti exclaimed excitedly.

"Re-eally?" Dark gaped in shock, unable to believe his good luck of sharing a class with his one, and so far only, friend.

"Yeah, Mr. Tenebris is pretty cool. I met him when my other siblings had him as a teacher." Anti added.

"H-how man-ny si-iblings do y-you have?" Dark asked.

"I'm the youngest of seven. And that's including myself " Anti explained with a shrug.

"I-I wi-ish I h-had a sibling." Dark pouted.

"Trust me, they're not as cool as you might think." Anti joked to cheer him up.

Before Dark could reply, the bus slowed to a stop in front of the school with a loud squeal tat made Dark's ears hurt, the doors creaking open to release the children.

"C'mon, I'll show you around!" Anti offered eagerly as he took Dark's hand, leading him inside the dark gray building looming in front of them.

Dark felt his face flush a bright red hue as Anti showed him the playground, library, gym, lunchroom, and their classroom, feeling glad for some reason that Anti never let his hand go during the tour.

Just as Dark and Anti entered their classroom and found their seats in the back of the class, other students began to file in after them.

Dark frowned in disappointment as he found his desk an entire row away from Anti's, growing more worried as he thought about having to meet new people.

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