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"Ooh, I like this color!" Anti gushed as he held up another green paint sample, the shade dark like a forest.

"You've said that about the last twenty other colors." Dark reminded Anti teasingly, Anti sticking his tongue out at Dark in reply.

"Here, what about this one?" Dark asked as he held up a pastel green paint sample.

"It's perfect." Anti nodded with a light smile, the pair finding the paint can with the same color and putting it in their cart already piled high with toys and other necessities for the baby.

As they walked down the aisles, other people would glance at their cart with knowing looks before looking away, neither Dark or Anti noticing as they talked.

"We should do a Skype call with Jack and share the news with him when we get home!" Anti suggested eagerly.

"And I'll invite Mark and Amy over for dinner to tell them the news in person." Dark decided aloud, smiling as Anti linked his arm with Dark's.

"God, I still can't believe it." Anti admitted as they walked, his gaze sweeping across their cart.

"You better believe it soon then since the house inspector is coming over tomorrow." Dark replied, causing Anti's eyes to widen in alarm.

"How will we get everything ready in time? What if our house isn't considered suitable for her? What if-"

"Hush babe, worrying is my job." Dark interrupted the rambling male, kissing his cheek.

Once they bought everything, the couple drove home and began the long process of painting the guest room to transform it into the baby's room, music playing in the background as they worked.

"Oh yeah, this is a good color for the room." Anti nodded in satisfaction as he started painting one of the walls, Dark painting the wall adjacent to him.

"I wonder if it'd be a good color on you." Dark wondered with a mischievous smile as he dipped his hand into the paint and slapped a hand on the back of Anti's black t-shirt.

Anti shot Dark a confused frown until he spotted the paint dripping off of Dark's hand, his expression shifting from confusion to mock anger.

"Hey!" Anti protested, taking the roller in his hand and running it against the front of Dark's shirt.

Anti laughed as Dark stumbled back in surprise, tripping over the paint bucket and landing in Anti's paint tray in the process.

Anti doubled over laughing as Dark stood up, paint dripping down the back of his pants.

"Eat my ass!" Dark bellowed as he rammed his butt into Anti's face in retaliation, laughing as Anti shoved him away.

"The paint is supposed to go on the walls, not on me!" Anti yelled as Dark reached for Anti with a paint covered hand.

"Fine." Dark retorted, placing his hand on the wall instead.

Anti looked at the green handprint on the white wall before he dipped his hand in the paint can, leaving a handprint next to Dark's.

"I like it." Dark remarked with a smile.

"I'll get the tape then." Anti replied, taping up the handprints so they wouldn't be painted over.

After outlining the handprints and finishing up painting the walls, it then became time to assemble the crib and eat dinner.

Dark ordered pizza while Anti began to work on unboxing the crib, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he scanned the novel sized book of instructions.

The couple ate while they worked, making sure to not ruin any of the things they were building.

"Done, finally." Dark sighed in relief as he stood up and stretched his arms high over his head, the stiff joints popping in response.

After only a few hours of work, Anti and Dark has assembled the crib, the dresser, the rocking chair, and the toy box that was tucked away in the closet.

"It looks great." Anti nodded in approval, resting his head on Dark's shoulder.

"Our house will pass the inspection, I know it." Dark promised Anti as he lovingly kissed the top of his husband's head.

"We might want to shower before then." Anti snickered, gesturing to the paint splattered on Dark.

Dark rolled his eyes as he grabbed clean clothes and hopped into the shower, cleaning himself off quickly so Anti could shower as well.

Once the couple was clean, they climbed into bed together and stayed awake talking about the first things they wanted to do with their child, both males eager to begin their adventure as new parents.

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