Everything Changes

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Years had passed, and as everything changed around them, Dark and Anti thankfully managed to stay best friends.

And only best friends

Though it still pained Dark, especially since Anti had a lot of boyfriends, that didn't mean he wasn't going to support and be there for Anti whenever he needed it.

Each of them had their own jobs and shared a house. It wasn't a huge house or one that was special in anyway, but it was good for them, and gave them all they needed.

Anti worked as a waiter for a pretty well known restaurant, and Dark worked as a police officer. He usually was fairly busy when he was at work, but he was allowed longer holidays at least.

He had just arrived back from a patrol and sighed in relief when he looked at the time on his phone and saw his shift was over. He said goodbye to his co-workers before signing out and leaving the building, eager to be home.

As soon as he got in his car and buckled up he got a phone call, he saw it was from Anti.

He quickly answered the call and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey Anti, you ok?" Dark asked worriedly. 

"Uhm...sort of...is your shift finished?" Anti sniffled, sounding as if he was trying to not cry even more.

"Yea it just finished, why'd you ask?"

"Uhm...Derek broke up with me.." Anti admitted with a heartbroken sigh.

"Oh Anti....I'll be right there. Try not too eat all the cookies before I get there." Dark joked, hoping to lighten the green haired male's mood.

He smiled lightly when he heard a light giggle from the male on the opposite end of the phone.

"Uhm...kinda too late for that, I was just gonna ask if you could pick some more up on your way here." Anti asked hopefully.

There was a sudden muffled thump on the other side before rustling followed, sounding like Anti had curled up in bed.

"Yea of course. I'll be there soon." Dark promised.

"Thanks Dark. You're the best " Anti replied.

He seemed a little happier when he heard Dark would be there soon.

"M'kay, see you later Dork Iplier." Anti teased, pleased to hear Dark chuckle on the other end.

"See you Ass Septic-Eye." Dark retorted jokingly before the both of them hung up.

Dark placed his phone in his pocket before he drove off, letting the silence consume him as his thoughts whirled around in his head at the rate of a tornado.

He knew he couldn't keep this up...he knew Anti was going to find out eventually....

He just hoped it would go well.


Soon enough, a soft knock was heard on Anti's door, making the small male turn around.

"You can come in." Anti called out.

Dark peeked inside the room, seeing Anti laying on the bed hugging a teddy as he was watching some Disney movies.

He may have been 26 but he was definitely a child at heart.

Anti looked over and smiled when he saw Dark and the cookies. He sat up and paused the movie, beckoning Dark in.

Dark shuffled into the room and sat on the edge of the bed next to Anti.

Anti suddenly hugged Dark, surprising the slightly older male, who eventually hugged Anti back.

"Dark...is something wrong with me?" Anti whispered, looking up at Dark with those multicoloured eyes he oh so adored.

"No of course not, why would you think that?" Dark asked.

"Well, I never seem to find someone who wants to stay as my boyfriend..."

"Then it's their fault, they are giving away the best person I know." Dark stated firmly.

Anti couldn't help but blush lightly at his friend's words.

"T-That's very sweet of you Dark."

Soon, the two were sitting there still hugging as they recalled old memories of fun times they shared.

"Do you remember at the graduation party when Jack got so drunk he was dancing on tables and everything? Signe had to carry him bridal style to his room while he was singing Danny Boy." Dark snickered.

"That was sooo funny. Speaking of that night, I don't think you ever told me what happened to me after I got drunk." Anti added as he looked up at Dark, noticing that he had turned tense.

"Uhm...n-nothing too special happened." Dark lied, swallowing hard as the image of Anti kissing him returned to his mind after he had tried so hard to forget it.

"C'mon telll meee." Anti begged as he used his puppy dog eyes on Dark, which immediately made Dark give in.

"Well you were all by yourself I-in the kitchen and you were extremely drunk, so I decided to to take you home, b-but you had knocked me onto the floor a-and well well.... k-kissed me." Dark stuttered, making Anti's eyes widened in shock.

"I-I kissed you?! But that would m-oh I'm so sorry Dark, I stole your first kiss." Anti apologized guiltily.

"I-it's ok....I Uhm...anyway I took you home, put you into bed and j-just as I left ...y-you said..." Dark clutched the sheets on the bed, his voice growing slightly shaky.

"I said what?" Anti prompted impatiently, growing worried.

".....y-you said you loved me..." Dark managed to say, his gaze dripping to the floor to avoid Anti's.

"I-I did..?" Anti mumbled in surprise.

Dark nodded softly, making Anti gasp in shock of himself.

"A-And I wish you had meant it..." Dark muttered quietly, thinking Anti hadn't heard him.

He was wrong.

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