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"Hey Dark, I figured since you and Anti were still in the area we could hang out before you guys, Signe, and Jack have to leave to go back to Brighton. Call me back when you wake up and let me know what you think ya nerd!"

Dark smiled as he listened to the message Mark had left him once again, stretching his arms high over his head as he sat up in bed.

The couple was staying in a hotel room in LA since their house was in Brighton, Bud with them since he was registered as a service dog.

Anti was already awake and getting ready for the day while Dark had just woken up not long ago, laying in bed to avoid being productive.

"Bud, get him!"

Dark set his phone aside just before the black dog bounded up onto the bed, the dog eagerly licking his face.

"Stop it Bud!" Dark laughed as he stroked the dog's fur, looking up at the doorway of the room to see Anti trying and failing to conceal his own laughter.

"Good morning babe." Anti greeted Dark as Bud ceased licking Dark, allowing the dark haired male to get out of bed.

"Morning." Dark yawned groggily.

"Coffee's in the kitchen." Anti stated with a light smile as he left, Dark following after.

"So, what's our plan for today?" Anti asked Dark as they sat down at the kitchen table, Bud laying down on Dark's feet.

"Well, Mark invited us to hang out with him, Amy, Jack, and Signe before we have to go back home." Dark mentioned casually as he reached for the black mug of coffee waiting for him on the table.

"Really? That sounds awesome!" Anti exclaimed.

"Cool, I'll call him back and tell him that we'd love to come." Dark stated as he leaned across the table to kiss Anti before he disappeared into the bedroom to grab his phone.

The phone only rang twice before Mark answered, his voice brimming with excitement.

"Hey Dark, you and Anti up to hanging out with us?" Mark asked hopefully.

"You know it." Dark replied, chuckling when he heard a soft "yes" in happiness from Amy in the background.

"Perfect! We were all thinking about going out for lunch, what do you think?" Mark asked.

"It's lunch time already?!" Dark exclaimed in disbelief, earning a laugh from his cousin.

"I know, jet lag is a bitch. But yes, it's about noon now Dark." Mark snickered in amusement.

"I'm down, I'll ask Anti real fast." Dark answered before holding the phone away from him.

"Hey Anti, does eating out sound good for lunch?" Dark shouted.

"Yeah!" Dark faintly heard Anti reply.

"We'll go." Dark told Mark.

"Cool, see you guys then!" Mark cheered before hanging up so Dark could get ready.

Dark changed out of his all black pjs he had thrown on last night into a red t-shirt with black shorts and a black jacket, his hair as unruly as ever despite his fussing with it.

"Ready?" Anti called out to Dark from where he was standing by the door already dressed in black skinny jeans with a green t-shirt and a black jacket.

"Yeah!" Dark responded as he left the bathroom, taking Anti's hand in his as they found a taxi to take them to the address of the restaurant they were going to eat at.

Jack, Signe, Mark, and Amy were already there waiting for them when they arrived, the four waving to Dark and Anti as they stepped in.

"Hey guys!" Mark greeted the pair as they sat down at the table, a waiter handing them menus.

Dark nodded in appreciation as he scanned his choices, Anti doing the same while talking to the others.

Dark couldn't focus as he thought of proposing to Anti, his stomach tying itself into a knot of worry as he pictured all of the worst possible outcomes.

"You okay Dark?"

Dark was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed Mark was looking at him with a worried expression.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Dark lied, flashing his cousin a weak smile before his gaze hastily returned to the menu.

"Guys, Dark and I will be back in a sec." Mark announced as he dragged his cousin out of his seat by the arm and into the bathroom.

"Seriously, what's up? Is it something with Anti?" Mark questioned.

"Yeah, I....I'm wanting to propose." Dark admitted shyly.

"Dude, I'm proud of you!" Mark remarked as he pulled Dark into a hug.

"Now, do you have the ring yet?" Mark added.

Dark shook his head no, earning a thoughtful frown from Mark.

"Alright, I know a good place where we can look that's pretty cheap and not too far from here." Mark told him.

"You mean we're looking now?" Dark squeaked, his anxiousness steadily building up.

"Yeah, but it'll be okay. I'll have Jack, Signe, and Amy keep Anti distracted while we go." Mark assured him.

"Okay, I guess." Dark muttered as he followed Mark out of the bathroom.

"Are you okay babe? Your face is really pale." Anti frowned in concern as he stood up.

"Dark's not feeling well so I'm taking him home." Mark announced to the group.

"No it's okay, we'll just have a taxi take both of us." Anti cut in.

Mark leaned over and whispered something to Amy, causing her eyes to widen in understanding as she glanced between Dark and Anti.

"Anti, Mark can watch Dark while we all go watch the Incredibles 2, I've heard it's pretty good." Amy remarked.


Signe broke off when she hissed something in her ear, causing her to bite her lip with an apologetic smile.

"We should definitely go, I'll buy snacks!" Signe offered.

Jack shot Signe a confused look, only for her to mouth that she'd tell him later.

"Okay, you sure you'll be alright Darki?" Anti asked Dark as he pulled him into a hug.

"There's no need to fear when Mark is here!" Mark exclaimed.

"That's exactly why I'm so worried." Anti joked, earning a pouty frown from the dark haired male.

"See you guys!" Mark waved as he left the restaurant with Dark in tow.

"Now," Mark grinned as he clapped his hands together.

"You ready for a shopping spree?"

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