Out With the Old, In With the New

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"Are you sure we have everything?" Dark asked his husband as they packed the remaining boxes into the moving truck, the people owning said truck putting the boxes with everything else in and making sure it was all secure.

"Yes Darki I'm sure, we remembered to double, no scratch that, triple check because of you, it's fine." Anti replied playfully as he rolled his eyes.

"I-I know, but what if-f we've forgotten something, o-or what if i-it gets lost on the way o-or what if the truck door opens a-" before Dark could continue with his over worried ranting, Anti rolled his eyes playfully yet again and presses his lips against his husband's, shutting him up in the process.

Anti pulled away after a little while, snickering at Dark's somewhat dumbfounded face.

"Dark relax, everything will be ok. Now c'mon, we have some more boxes and stuff to get into the truck, and I'm gonna need my big strong husband's help." Anti told him teasingly as he felt up Dark's arms, making the dark haired male blush quite a bit, which only make Anti giggle a more.

Soon enough everything was packed into the moving truck, which Dark triple checked yet again that everything was there and safely secured before they were on their way.

The couple headed to the airport which was as expected very busy. Dark and Anti made sure to stay very close to one another, holding each other's hand so they didn't accidentally lose one another.

Once going through all the tedious suitcase problems, going through security and more, they finally arrived at their gate exhausted.

They decided to get something to eat and drink since they had a pretty small breakfast this morning, so they went to a restaurant in the airport and ordered some food and drink since they had some time to spare.

During their meal they chatted and joked, being the usual silly, cheesey lovey dovey couple they always were, staring at each other like a pair of love sick teens and feeding each other.

Soon enough after their bellies were full and their energy was replenished, Dark and Anti sat at one of the seats, leaning on one another as Anti hugged Dark's side.

Dark slung an arm around Anti and started a video, plugging in a pair of earbuds and giving one to Anti so he could listen.

While they were all cuddled up and watching something, Anti glanced over to see some kids, who he presumed were siblings since they looked alike, playing with one another and laughing.

Anti couldn't help but smile at them. thinking about if Dark and him had their own kid.

Dark noticed Anti staring off into the distance, so he paused whatever they were watching to talk to him.

"You ok love?" Dark asked.

"Hm? O-Oh yea, just thinking." Anti replied, looking up at Dark.

"What about?" Dark questioned again.

Anti blushed a little, glancing down at the floor before looking back up at Dark.

"I-I was thinking about..if me and you had a child, and if we'd be good parents.... I know you would ..I don't know about me though..." Anti admitted before trailing off.

Dark smiled since he admittedly had thought about this too, kissing Anti's head.

"I reckon you'd be a great parent, you basically act like a child already, plus you're a cheeky lil' shit when you want to be." Dark joked, making Anti laugh a little.

"You love me really." Anti retorted sarcastically, sticking his tongue out at Dark

"Yes, and I always will." Dark promised before he resumed the video, Anti lying his head on Dark's shoulder.

{*Time Skip flies on a plane*}

Finally after hours of flying the two men made it, tired as all hell since it was practically midnight by the time they got to LA.

"Now what?" Anti asked Dark as they left the plane with their baggage in hand.


Dark broke off when he spotted two familiar faces in the crowded airport, a smile lighting up his face as he ran towards them despite his fatigue.

Mark and Amy greeted Anti and Dark with open arms and welcoming expressions, the couples happy to see each other again.

Mark and Amy let them stay the night at their place, both men collapsing on the sofa and falling asleep there.

The next day however, the two were up bright and early, heading to their new home which was only a short drive away from Mark and Amy's place.

The two began to unpack once their things arrived, Mark and Amy helping set up furniture, Bud and Chica playing with each other around them.

Once everything was set up, Dark and Anti played with Bud before their exhaustion finally overtook them, the couple retreating into the bedroom to crawl into bed.

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