Sweet Revenge

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In about a weeks time, Anti and Dark were going to finally graduate.

Anti was of course excited about the whole thing as was Dark, but he was also obviously very nervous.

Because of this, their PE teachers had set up mini tournaments for all the sports, and everyone chose what they wanted to compete in.

Anti and Dark both decided to go into the variety group which basically did a mixture of different sports since they didn't really care what sport they did, as long as they were in the same group together

Like when they had to do tennis, Dark ended up getting hit in the back of the head by a ball by accident, resulting in both of the two laughing like crazy to the point where they had tears in their eyes.

In all honesty they didn't care about how many points they won, they were gonna have fun no matter what, their team thought the same as well

Today was the last day of the tournaments, and in all fairness everything was excited, because the sport that had been chosen for the last was..


Dark and Anti's team were discussing with each other, all wondering which of the many teams they were competing against.

They soon found out when the team entered.

It was Xilef's team.

Dark glared daggers into the male as he walked in with his usual cocky smirk, his team flocking in behind him.

Dark always hated Xilef, and what he did to Anti was the thing that made him snap.

Xilef's whole team consisted of other bad people in the school: fuckboys, fuckgirls, bullies, creeps, people who thought they were better than everyone else, and more.

Xilef strolled over to them, looking around at the team.

"I'm facing against your team? Ha! This will be an easy win." Xilef declared tauntingly.

He looked over at Anti, smirking more when he noticed the teen's fingers curl into fists at his side in pent up rage.

"How was your prom?" He asked casually as if he didn't know about the pain he caused for Anti that night.

Dark stepped in between Xilef and Anti, blocking him from hurting his best friend as he let out an almost animalistic angry growl.

Anti placed a hand on Dark's shoulder.

"He's not worth it, let's go." Anti whispered in his ear, walking away with a still angry Dark.

"How were your detentions Dark!" Xilef shouted as he cackled in laughter and walked around Dark's team, stepping on tails, pulling people hair , stealing people's glasses and more.

Soon enough, the game started and it was intense as ever.

Within the first minute or so half of each of the team's teammates had gotten out, and as soon as they were out were then let back in if someone caught the ball.

Then it was just Dark and Xilef.

"Oh doesn't this look familiar Dark." Xilef remarked, referring to all the way back to primary when they played dodgeball and Dark had to be sent to the nurse because of it.

"It's a shame you're not wearing your glasses anymore, it was fun seeing you being sent to the nurse."

Slowly but surely, Xilef started to set the ball on fire in his hand, a cruel smirk on his face as the ball flowed with hungry blue flames.

He threw it at Dark with full force, already thinking he had won so he turned around to boast about how great he was.

Yet he forgot about Dark's shadow powers.

Dark was quick enough to turn basically his whole arm into a shadow and catch the ball without burning himself.

He bounced the ball on the floor until the fire had went out and then aimed.

He looked over at Anti who nodded at him, getting the message.

"HEY XILEF!" He shouted loud enough the whole school could practically hear it.

Xilef turned around just in time to see Dark throw the ball and hit him directly in the balls.

This made the male curl up in pain with his hands over his privates, every other male in the room wincing and crossing their legs.

A whistle blew signalling the game had ended.

"And the winner is....Dark's team!"

Everyone, including some of Dark's team, cheered in victory while Xilef's team sulked in defeat.

"What!?" Xilef exclaimed as he slowly got up.

"Dark's team won." the coach repeated

This made Xilef scream in anger and charge after Dark, who hastily dodged the wild attack.

Dark stood in front of some lockers and Xilef charged towards him again, and when Dark moved out the way, Xilef banged his head so hard it made a dent in one of the lockers that happened to be his.

Someone had thankfully managed to record it and within days it became viral.

The one who made fun of and bullied everyone was now finally getting a taste of his own medicine.

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