Broken Heart

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And with those four simple words, Dark's confidence was washed away as a wave of sadness crashed over him like a tidal wave.

"W-who is it ? Y-your b-boyfriend I m-mean-n." Dark was almost in pain when he had to say the word boyfriend to Anti.

"It's Xilef."

"Xilef!? B-But I tho-"

"Yeah, I hated him too, but he promised he had changed and wouldn't be mean any he's actually very sweet once you get to know him." Anti admitted bashfully, messing with the hem of his shirt.

Hurt shot through Dark's heart like a bullet.

"O-oh...that's great...." Dark whispered just loud enough for Anti to hear him, struggling to keep his voice from cracking.

"And he's taking me to the school dance! Isn't that great or what!" Anti exclaimed in excitement.

Anti seemed the happiest he had ever been as he shared the news, a constant smile lighting up his face.

Dark unfortunately couldn't say he felt the same.

"I-I'm proud of you." Dark replied, his voice laced with fake proudness.

"Thank you Dark!" Anti cheered as he hugged his best friend, a bright happy smile on his face.

"N-No problem." Dark shakily hugged Anti back, resting his chin on his shoulder and holding him close as if he was scared to let Anti go.

"Alright, now that I've told you my point, what were you gonna say?" Anti asked as he pulled away from the embrace.

"O-Oh...just that I-I ....I won't be going to the school dance." Dark admitted.

"Oh...why not?" Anti prompted curiously.

"Uhm.....I-I just haven't found anyone t-to go with is all..." Dark stated simply, awkwardly rubbing his arm.

"Oh, well I know you'll find someone soon." Anti replied with a sympathetic smile.

"Yea ....well Uhm...I-I should be going...I'll see you soon I-I guess." Dark muttered as he started to walk away, waving goodbye to his friend, who waved back.

Just as Dark left, Xilef started making his way over to Anti.

"Hey babe!" He shouted, making sure Dark could hear him.

"Xil!" Anti cried happily, rushing over and hugging his new found boyfriend.

"Were you telling Dark you were with me?" He asked as Anti lovingly kissed his cheek.

"Yea why?" Anti asked as Xilef rested his head on his shoulder.

"Oh, no reason..." Xilef shrugged, hiding his evil smirk as he watched Dark leave with his head hanging low.

As Dark sped walked to his house tears started swelling up in his eyes and threatened to fall.

Dark burst through the front door, closing it behind him before he raced upstairs into his room where he slammed the door shut with a loud THUD

That's when he broke down, sliding down the door as he started crying, sobbing as he gripped his hair harshly in frustration.

Dark shakily stood up after a moment and shuffled over to his bed and laid down, covering himself with the grey covers that he had as his sobbing and whimpers continued.

Suddenly the door slammed open, creating the same sound as before.

"Guess who got a date t-" Mark paused his sentence, his bright and proud smile fading when he noticed the state his cousin was in.

"D-Dark...what's wrong?" He asked, slowly making his way over to him and kneeling down near the male's bed.

"Leave me alone..." Dark whispered sharply, his tear stained face hidden by his covers.

"But you're up-"

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" Dark suddenly boomed, shocking his cousin into silence.

Dark never ever shouted except when he was really really angry, which was rare since he usually had a very good temper.

And you don't want to be near Dark when he's angry, that's practically a death wish in itself.

Mark knew that whatever happened must've been very bad, so he got up and left the room, leaving Dark in silence.

Mark paused outside the shut door and listened to Dark's heartbroken sobs for a moment before he let out a slow sigh and went downstairs to give him space, questions flying through his mind like a whirlwind as he wondered what could've upset Dark so much.

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