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It was time.

After years of Dark had hiding true feelings and dating, it was finally time for him to pop that important question to Anti and hope for the best.

Dark had told Anti he was taking him somewhere special to celebrate their anniversary, but he was of course bringing him there for another reason.

He had made sure to start driving there pretty late in the day so when they got there it would be night.

"Dark, where are we going?" Anti asked the slightly older male curiously since he had only been informed by Dark to get some nice but casual clothes on because they were going somewhere special.

"You'll see sweetheart, don't worry." Dark replied with a reassuring smile as he grabbed Anti's hand with one hand while keeping the other on the wheel.

Anti smiled a little as his and Dark's fingers were intertwined, his pale skin standing out against Dark's tan complexion.

Soon enough they arrived at a beach with a blanket of sand that was being washed over by a crystal clear blue ocean.

On that beach was a wooden dock with lit candles going down it, and at the end of the dock was an amazing gazebo that was made to look like one of those wooden huts you see in movies with tropical islands.

It had a straw roof and instead of wooden walls, there were curtains to conceal the inside.

Anti gasped softly at the scene in front of him, looking at Dark who seemed proud of his work.

"This is amazing Darki." Anti breathed in awe as he and Dark begin to walk down the dock towards the gazebo, Anti's eyes wide in amazement as he looked out at the waves.

Dark checked his pockets for the ring box, sighing in relief when he felt the velvet box touch his fingers.

Once reaching the gazebo, they sat down on the comfortable white sofas with Anti sitting in Dark's lap.

"Want anything to eat love?" Dark asked, holding Anti close like a child with their stuffed toy.

Anti nodded and Dark reached towards the coffee table to grab a cupcake for Anti, removing the wrapper as he held it in front of his lover' lips.

Anti took a bite and hummed in content at the delicious and fluffy chocolate taste.

"Only the finest of cupcakes from yours truly." Dark said in a posh French accent, making Anti laugh a little.

"You goof."

"Your goof." Dark corrected, leaning his head against Anti's.

"You're so cheesy you may as well be a cheese factory." Anti joked, making Dark chuckle.

"Speaking of cheese, would you like some with some wine?" Dark asked.

"Nah, I'm more of a Capri Sun kind of guy." Anti shrugged, making Dark laugh.

"Anti you rebel." Dark teased while still laughing, making both of the two laugh.

The two laid in each other's embrace and shared jokes, food and of course loving gestures and kisses.

Soon enough, Dark brought out his guitar he had hidden under the sofa and starts strumming it as he sings songs that would make your heart flutter, both of the two looking at each other like love sick teens.

It was pretty late at night now, and the two were now standing and looking over the side of the dock towards the ocean, chatting as Anti laid his head on Dark's shoulder.

"This is nice." Anti mumbled softly, enjoying Dark's warmth as he leaned against him with his head on his shoulder.

"Y-Yea.." Dark stammered, his hand clutching the box in his pocket tight enough to turn his knuckles white.

"You ok Dark?" Anti asked worriedly as he looked up at him.

"Yea...A-Anti I have something to ask you.." Dark admitted nervously.

"Oh? What is it?" Anti countered as he turned to face the male, taking both of Dark's hands in his own.

"We've been together for awhile now, a-and for all these years I've g-gotten to know you, not-t only as a best f-friend but as a lover-r, I have never been happier and I'm gl-lad I could bring that same h-happiness to you." Dark stuttered, his nerves obviously getting to him.

"And I want t-too keep it this way forever...s-so ..." Dark kneels down on one knee, pulling out the ring box.

Anti gasps loudly and covered his mouth as tears started rapidly welling in his eyes.

"Oh god please don't start crying, I'm gonna start crying if you do." Dark swallowed hard as he fought back tears, making Anti and himself chuckle lightly, Anti already having a few tears spill down his face.

"I-I was wondering if you w-would make me the happiest m-man in the world, a-and marry me ?" Dark asked hopefully, starting to cry himself.

"Yes yes and a million times yes!" Anti exclaimed excitedly, practically tackling Dark into a hug.

Dark caught Anti and hugged him back with tears of joy shining in his eyes as he lifted Anti up in the hug and swung him around, making Anti giggle.

He carefully slipped the ring on Anti once he sat him back down on his feet, Dark's eyes never leaving Anti's.

"I-it's beautiful." Anti whispered as he wiped his eyes.

"Just like you." Dark smiled as he kissed Anti's temples, earning a smile back from Anti.

"I love you so much Darki." Anti sighed as he snuggled against Dark.

"I love you too Anti." Dark replied as he closed his eyes, never wanting the night to end.

"Best Friends"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin