A New Addition

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Anti was practically bouncing with excitement, not managing to keep still in his seat as they drove to the orphanage since he wanted to meet all of the kids so bad.

Dark smiled in amusement at his husband, chuckling softly.

"I'm guessing your excited?" Dark asked sarcastically.

"What gave it away?" Anti retorted, laughing a little in response.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you're bouncing like a kangaroo in your seat."  Dark laughed.

"I'm sorry I can't help it, I just wanna meet our little baby already, I wanna hold them and care for them and make them laugh that adorable little laugh." Anti admitted, hugging himself happily as he imagined their child.

"But ...what if.." Anti trailed off with a concerned frown as he rubbed his arms.

"What if.. ?" Dark prompted as he parked the car just outside the orphanage, pulling the keys out and putting the engine to a stop.

"What if I'm a bad parent? Or what if the baby doesn't like us ? O-Or-" Dark cut him of with a kiss, gently cupping his husband's face.

Once he pulled away he rested their foreheads together, looking into his eyes.

"Baby relax, you'll be a great parent and the baby will love us just as much as we'll love them. Now stop worrying, that's my job." Dark soothed, Anti giggling a little bit at the end as his concern dissipated.

"Alright Darkidoo. Now c'mon, we should head inside " Anti suggested eagerly as he rushed to get his seatbelt off, his excitement returned.

Dark chuckled softly and got out with Anti, both linking arms with one another as they entered the building.

Inside they were greeted by a lady at a desk who was typing at her computer, her expression a mask of concentration until she looked up to acknowledge the couple.

"You must be the two who made an appointment this morning?" She asked politely.

"Yes, sorry for the short notice." Dark apologized sheepishly, hoping they weren't too much trouble for the people who work here.

"It's alright. If you follow the door to your left a member of staff should be waiting to help you." She stated with a smile, pointing to the door.

The two males thanked her before walking to where she had pointed, going through the door with cartoon flowers and bugs painted on it.

They were met with a sort of play room painted in a mint green with the carpet floor a pink color.

The inside was filled with toddlers, all nicely playing with the many toys they had. A few members of staff were in the room, either playing with the children or just tidying up. One of them saw Anti and Dark and headed over to them.

"Hi, I'm Karen, welcome to the orphanage." She greeted the pair, smiling as she shook their hands.

"What can I do for you today?" She asked, glancing between Dark and Anti.

"Well we were hoping to perhaps get a baby, so you know we can watch them grow up and stuff." Anti told her shyly, explaining it the best he could without wanting the baby to sound like an object to them.

"Of course, right this way." She nodded in understanding.

She led them through the room and into another room that was painted a simple white with the floor a pale blue.

Inside were cots filled with adorable sleeping babies, the room much quieter than the last.

"This is where all our babies are, all of which are healthy and get just the right amount of care they need. On their cots are names, genders and any other information that you may need. Feel free to look around " Karen spoke in a hushed tone before moving to the back of the room to give them space.

The two slowly looked around, reading each of the baby's information and such.

At the very end of one row of cots was a baby girl named Sam, who was one of the only demon babies there.

"Sam was found on an elderly couples porch in a basket wrapped up in blankets not too long ago, and as much as they wanted to look after them, at their elderly age they couldn't so they gave her in. We do not know what her powers are yet but she is healthy and playful." Anti read aloud.

The two lovers looked at one another, nodding.

"I think Sam would be the perfect child for us." Dark mused quietly, turning to look at Karen who was at the other end of the room letting the two look around by themselves.

"I see. Now of course before we let you adopt her we need to see your home, see how you are with her and tell you how to look after a child, is that ok?" Karen asked.

The two nodded once again, seeing her requests as fair.

The two got in the car and hugged one another happily, kissing one another.

"I'm so excited! Darki we're gonna be dads! " Anti exclaimed happily.

"Mhm. But we gotta get her room ready first."

"And get some toys."

"And the food."

"Sam...God I love her already." Anti sighed in content as Dark drive them to the store to prepare their child's room.

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