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Your POV

I get back to my jeep and get in the driver seat and sigh. "Everything okay?" Roni asks putting her hand on my shoulder. I just sigh again and make no move to push her off. "Do you really like me?" I ask refusing to look up at her, but I can tell she's surprised as I feel her hand tense up n my shoulder. "Why would you ask that?" She slowly starts to move her hand again. "You were on your phone the whole way here laughing and giggling and blushing. I thought I was the one who could make you do that." I mumble the last part to myself. "Y/n of course I like you. I told you before he's just an old friend. Yes, I used to have feelings for him but-" I cut her off before she could finish. "But you want to try with me and give me a chance, cause you feel bad right?" She doesn't speak. I scoff and start the car, driving back to her house.

"Look babe, I didn't mean it like that, okay. I love you." She mumbles the last part but I hear her. I stop the car and look over at her, "You what?" I ask shocked. "I love you." She says louder, a small smile makes its way onto my face. I put my finger under her chin and pull her into a kiss.She relaxes and kisses back.I pull away "I love you too." I mumble against her lips. "Really?" she asks, I nod. "I'm sorry baby. I won't talk to him if you don't want me to. I don't want to lose you." I sigh, "You don't have to. Just please be aware that it affects me because we can't exactly tell everyone we are together. She nods and takes my hand into hers kissing the back of my hand. I smile and do the same to her hand. The whole way to her house she is looking out the window playing with my fingers. She seemed to be deep in thought, but I let it go not wanting to argue with her again.

"I'll see you later okay?" I ask as she moves to get out of the car. She turns to me confused. "You aren't coming in?" She asks I shake my head. "I have to film today and get my apartment ready for the girls to get back tomorrow." she shuts the door still in the car with me. "I can help." She says putting her seatbelt on not giving me a chance to argue. I nod and pull out of her driveway.

When we get to my apartment my phone goes off.


Hey I just wanted to thank you for meeting me today, and for being okay with me bringing Sofi along


Of course, Sofi wasn't the one to blame in all of this. Neither were you now that I know. But it will take me some time


Of course I understand. I wouldn't have thought otherwise. But still thank you... I love you

I sigh as I read her last text. But, she is still my sister


I love you too Shadow. Want to meet up Saturday?


Of course. Want me to bring Sofi?


Are mom and dad going to let you? Besides how did you get out today?


I told them we were having a sister day. I don't think they'll mind if we have another one


Then sure bring her. We can hang at my apartment so we don't have to worry about paparazzi.


Okay I'll see you then. I love you.


I love you too. See you then.

I put my phone down with a smile on my face. "Everything okay?" Roni asks looking at me weirdly. I nod "Yeah, everything is okay, why do you ask?" I look at her confused. She eyes me weirdly then shakes her head walking into the building into the elevator. I shrug and follow behind her.

Veronica POV

Okay, so you may hate me for acting the way I did earlier but I hadn't seen Aaron in so long. It was nice to see him again. We were good friends before we even started dating, but things got hard and we broke it off. We were still friends afterwards. I can see where Y/n is coming from though. I should have been helping her prepare to get through her talk with Camila, but I forgot how happy and funny Aaron made me feel. Now seeing Y/n all smiley at her phone made me upset.

"You okay babe? You haven't said anything since we entered the building." I hear Y/n breaking me out of my thoughts. I give her a small smile and nod. Why did I agree to this? I can't hurt such an innocent person. "Yea, just thinking."  I send her another small smile. "Anything I can help with?" She asks reaching for my hand, Yea, not make any of this so hard on me, I shake my head to rid my thoughts and reply, "No, I'll be over it soon. Don't worry about it." She just nods and holds my hand.

"Oh! By the way I'm not going to be able to hang out on Saturday." She says as we walk down the hallway to her apartment. I look over to her confused. "Why not?" I ask, seeing as we always hang out on Saturdays. "I have to meet up with a couple people. Sorry, but I'll make it up to you." She says thinking it will make me feel better. I nod and smile at her. She kisses me quickly says "I love you" and goes to get her camera stuff ready for her video. I say it back under my breath.

What she doesn't know is I don't care if we can't hang, I don't even truly love her. I must be a really good actress. I smile a little to myself. I have to hold on a couple more months.

Sorry Y/n, I wish I truly did feel the same.

A/n: So.... here is your update :) Hope you guys liked it. I plan on having another update sometime this week. Hopefully tomorrow or later tonight. Sorry this one is short as well.

I also need a vote as to who you want to date out of these 5 girls. Comment next to the girl you want.I also have an idea of a couple other potential people but I'm not to sure yet. Message me if you want to know who they are and if I should include them.

Maia Mitchell

Lauren Jauregui

Amy Cimorelli

Lisa Cimorelli

Ally Brooke Hernandez

Special People/ Person

Thanks for reading :)


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