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"Wake up,"

I felt a violent nudge on my side. "Uhh. Wake up Clarissa, I don't have time for this" the woman shoved the thin cover off me.

" Calm your horses. I am up!" I slided of the bed and started to stretch my arms.

She moved her head in disapproval,  walking towards the wooden door. She stopped for a moment before saying" two minutes. We need to have a talk," her words were sharp, not warm like they were supposed to be.

Not waiting for a response.
she left.

I sighted.

What did they want to talk about? Another lecture maybe? No, I didn't cause any trouble for the past week since I was still healing from last time punishment.

I can't be late.

I opened the small closet, picking the plain grey dress, it was 2 size bigger than me.

Showing off considered selfish, they say.

I put my hair in a bun and snatched the grey jacked laying on the wooden chair.

I took a deep breath.
I stepped out of my room to be greeted by two frowning leaders. Elizabeth king and Paul king both working in leadership along side with Marcus Eaton our neighbor next door.

"You wanted to talk?" I put my hands behind my back putting a blank face. I had many years to practice it.

Don't show it,I reminded myself.
Don't show them how they affect you, I tried reminding myself.

"Sit" he was eyeing me with a look i got used to. Disgust.

I did.

"Your aptitude test is today, whatever result you get....you are staying here. Am I clear Clarissa?" She literally spat out the words, her eyes burning holes in me.

Silence lingered in the room for 1.2.3 seconds.

"My name isn't clarissa," i gritted my teeth not wanting to say more.
Trying not to more.

The selfless faction. The selfless leaders. It's just a lie.
It's just a fucking lie.

He snatched my face making me stare at him right in his black hallow eyes. "You won't leave, do you understand? We don't fucking need another embarrassment like that Marcus's shame of a son,"

He finally let go of my face.

All i could is nod. Over and over again wanting to get the fuck out of here.

"No breakfast today... go to your test,"

I rolled my eyes.
Bitch you call that burned bread breakfast?

I straightened my dress looking at both leaders.

"Of course I will choose abnegation, it was were I was born....where did you think I would have went?" The fuck out of here.

"Just go already," he mumbled not even looking at me, apparently an expired magazine is more interesting to him.

"Mother... Father," I nodded at bothe of them before making my way to the front door, "see you in hell," I mumbled as i closed the door.


That's my first time writing so please tell me if u like the idea!!

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