VI • Kefka

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Warning: None


Dinner at my parents house was a success. As soon as the door closed behind us, I let go of Kefka's hand. Every time we did this, it killed me inside. Each time it got harder to let go of his hand and it hurt more and more to pretend. It was just supposed to be a date for my sister's wedding. It turned into a complicated mess of lies.

"I need to get over it, Kefka doesn't like me like that." I thought to myself. The car was cold, but warmed up quickly when I started driving. With my mind consumed by my dilemma, I drove faster than the speed limit without realizing it.

"You okay?" Kefka questioned, looking a bit concerned with how fast I was going.

"Yeah." I lied, becoming aware of how fast I was actually going, I slowed down a bit. Locke was the only one who knew everything. He knew how I felt about Kefka and he knew about the pretending and how it killed me inside every time we did it.

Driving helped take my mind off things at least a little bit. Unfortunately, it didn't help much when the source was sitting next to me. I could feel Kefka's eyes watching every move I made. I turned the volume up on the radio in an attempt to dilute my thoughts. "I need to move on. I need to get over my stupid feelings." I thought to myself. "He could get anyone he wants, why would he want me? I'm just a nobody." I told myself.

Locke had told me time after time to just tell Kefka how I felt. But for all these years, my friendship with Kefka mattered more to me than my feelings and I didn't want to jeopardize losing him all together. The ridiculous pop music playing on the radio started to drown out everything around me. Glancing at Kefka, who was just as deep in thought as I was, and I made the decision to tell him. My heart pounded so loud, it felt like Kefka could hear it. I turned the radio down and took a deep breath before mentally putting together what I was about to say.

"No. I'm not okay." I confessed, pulling up to our apartment building. "We were pretending to be lovers, but I'm not pretending anymore and I have to know if you feel the same way. I can't keep doing this." Kefka looked speechless, I couldn't bring myself to look at him after I looked away. "Just forget I said anything." I mumbled after a few minutes of silence, getting out of the car. Clearly the feelings were not mutual.

The cool night breeze sent chills down my spine. I just wanted to bury myself under the covers of my bed for the remaining years of my life. I was embarrassed and hurt, despite telling myself over and over that he didn't have the same feelings for me.

"Wait." He spoke up.

"I get it Kefka. Please don't make this harder for me than it already is." I sighed as I walked away, leaving him to go to his apartment, but Kefka chose to trail behind me instead.

"Wait. Just look at me." Fumbling with the keys at my doorstep, I ignored him. "Look at me." He repeated. Kefka was inches away from my face when I looked up from the ground, his eyes were locked with mine.

His hands held my face as he kissed me deeply. It took me by surprise as everything happened in a matter of seconds. "Wow." I breathed heavily after pulling away.

A smug grin was plastered across his face. I took him by his collar and pulled him down to my lips, his hands gripped my waist lightly. He tasted like dessert, sweet.

We pulled away quickly when Mrs.Jones the old woman from next door startled us. "Oh my. I didn't know you were dating this lovely young man." She smiled.

A blush of embarrassment colored my cheeks as Kefka looked at me with a smirk. "Goodnight Mrs.Jones." I smiled as I unlocked the door to my apartment.

Kefka closed and locked the door behind us. "I want you to be mine." He whispered in my ear, his hands pulling me closer.

"I've always been yours."

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