XV • Ignis { 3/3 }

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“A Joker” – Part III [ Final ]

Warning || HUGE SPOILS, Explicit Language

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Rain pouring down the city, traffic covering the streets, and danger was running the city also, after Ignis jumped in the acid he has changed, all for the love of (Name), he fell in love with her during one of his therapy sessions, the insane psycho made Ignis fall in love with her, poor male he was creative, mature, and focused but she changed him. No one really expected what was going to happen.

She stared at me, studied me. I looked at her with undying love in my eyes. She took a step back, and gestured toward the edge of the platform. Without hesitating, I raised both of my arms. (Name) did the same, mimicking me with her mouth slightly open, and anticipation dripping off her face. I stepped off the platform and fell into the churning chemical bath below.

He sat down on the floor of the cell he was in, he killed 7 people and stole from the bank, just for (Name). After the chemical acid he dived in, made him crazier than (Name) was. He played with his exposed hands since the guards took away his gloves, his glasses were broken due to a reaction that made him twitch and break them, his beautiful face had a scar on the left of his eye, the other eye still perfectly working.

He was calmly sitting there flexing his fingers, until the alarm of the penitentiary started going off. The door from Ignis' cell opened, he looked up and saw (Name) standing there with a big grin. Ignis got up slowly, walking towards her. He grabbed her face and kissed her. (Name) pulled away quickly, “Let's go.” she said pulling his arm and taking him to the back of the penitentiary, she got in the truck and so did Ignis. Him relieved that (Name) didn't just used him for crimes.

The truck was driving back to the psycho's mansion. Once they've gotten here (Name) entered the mansion and walked to her office. Ignis inhaled slowly following (Name) to her office.

The hallways still looked the same, the  carpet from the floor changed and the roses from last year Valentine's day were dead and rotten, just like the city was, Thunderclaps were heard from the outside of the mansion, also Ignis' footsteps were heard as he approach the office of his lover.

(Name) turned and smiled and walked towards me, she touched my pale skin with her soft hands and kissed my lips. I've desired this about 7 months and 3 days to feel her lips dancing with mine. I slowly wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her towards me, she laughed and I chuckled softly.

She pulled away and stared into my emerald green eye, I smiled and walked to a chair and sat down. (Name) sat down across from me, “Darling, the city is falling apart.” (Name) started, Ignis smiled and leaned back against the chair, “That's what you wished for.” responded Ignis. (Name) smiled at the perfectly changed man.

“Ardyn's in a coma, if you didn't know.” she said. Ignis looked over at (Name), Ardyn was (Name)'s ex. He looked at her with his eye and leaned over the table, interested at what else she would say.

“He's in the hospital.” she added. Ignis smiled once again, “Should I go --”

“So, you've read my mind.” (Name) exclaimed loudly while laughing, “Isn't that funny?” added the psycho.

This is what Ignis hated sometimes, (Name) always went straight to the point when I comes to crime, this also caused Ignis to become insecure about himself.

“So, today me and my guards are going to drop you of the hospital” she said as she walked towards me with something in her hand, an eye patch. She slowly placed it on my eye, I glanced at the mirror in her office, it had a red cross as in hospital property, well it looked like it.

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