"Don't die.."

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Star's POV

"..Marco?" I muttered his name under my breath,My legs trembled-No my whole body was trembling with fear at what I saw.

I sensed trouble has I opened the door,but I never realized..

That it was..


Why? I don't know but..

It was scary seeing the person you love like this..

Marco's back as turned so I could only pick up some details about him,his skin was now purple in color and scales were all over him.His monster arm on his right side was now fully present.

He isn't facing me..then why am I still feeling so scared?

"Why do you need to see him?"

I heard him say,his tone venomous.

It could send a shiver to anyone's spine.

I gulped,as my heart beat quicken.

..It looks like he is talking to someone..I thought as I gulped and walked towards him,Slowly with absolute caution.

I came a bit closer to look at whom he was talking to.

My eyes widened at the sight.

My breath slightly hitched.

"J-Janna?" I managed to choke out,She looked beaten to the core.Her legs were wounded and her face was to the ground..How did she get here?I thought looking at Marco.

..Did He..did he do this to her?

"If you're wondering,I didn't do this to her.She passed out when I asked her the question,She said something about Tom"He said,his tone mellow.

"H-huh?" I said in a trance.

Tom..? What?

"..Tom? Is he here too?" I said as my voice was shaking under his presence,I clenched my teeth and tried to stop myself from trembling..Why..Why am I feeling so scared? I thought as I looked down,A terrified look on my face was present.

"I don't know,But there is a possibility that he's here." He said looking back and facing me.I was still looking down.

Wait a minute..I thought slowly lifting up my head "A possibility..-"My words got cut off by me being in a state of shock.

I looked at him,he was facing me this time.

I gulped.

His eyes are golden..

I gripped my fists..It was not the brown ones I came to love..I thought looking down.

My breath was shaking and my body was trembling has well.

Why can't I think straight..?Why am I too scared to even look him in the eye..? As I ramble thoughts in my mind,Marco cut my thoughts off with a statement.

"You don't have to hide that you're scared.I know what your exactly feeling,I am a monster..well going to be"He said looking at his left arm.

I finally looked up,Slowly yet nervously.

My eyes traced him,specially where he was looking at.

My eyes widened in shock as I noticed his left arm has not been infected yet.

His left hand is not effected...I observed carefully as I gasped.

"Marco,You're still conscious..there's still time too-"

"No" He said coldly to me,My eyes widened in shock by the sudden cut off.Marco walked up too me,looking at me with brown eyes this time "I don't have much time left,Star..I'll die.." He said with his raspy voice..His dying voice..

I looked up at him,His brown eyes didn't have a flame any more,there was no spark in them.

They were not brown either

They were gold.


They were dull.

I clenched my teeth..No,I won't-I thought as I gripped my dress.

"D-don't say that.." I shuttered with fear.

Fear that I don't have much time left..-

NO! I thought as I internally smacked myself,I won't let him die..I'll save him..I thought shakily looking at him.

Marco smiled softly at me his eyes turned into brown.

That smile..My eyes widened..That's the smile I fell in love with.


My heart quickened it's pace.

How can he smile this time?

He walked towards me and smiled wider.

Marco huffed "You're always like this..Impossible,But that's what I love about you.."He muttered as he patted me softly on the head,I slowly looked up at him with teary eyes "If you love me then..Don't die.."I said shakily as my bottom lip quivered.

Marco sighed "Star,please don't cry-"

"I..I won't let you die! I WON'T ALLOW IT!" I bursted out,I want to save him,I want to free him but I..I can't think straight..not when he's injured like this in front of me "YOU WON'T DIE,YOU HEAR ME!" I screamed on the top of my lungs,I felt tears falling down my face.I looked up at him once more with teary filled eyes "..I won't.." I said as more tears spilled out,My own voice was now breaking.

He was now quiet.


This chapter was around 1345 words but I wanted it to be a 2 parter so I made it into 856 words

WHY |starco bad boy au book two|(Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant