easter candy overdose

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AN: happy easter

"Breakfast requests?" I asked our 4 year old. "Waffles!" Justin gasped "Chocolate chip waffles!" Her eyes went wide. "Yes!" I laughed slightly grabbing the milk.

"Inside voices May." I made the waffles and we all ate while May told us her dream she had last night. As I cleaned the dishes May decided to play with her toys.

"It's Easter today," Jay said getting excited like a three-year-old with a puppy. "It is. Did you hide eggs for May?" I asked just as I finished the dishes.

Justin scoffed. "Of course I did." I smiled. She's going to have so much fun today. "May? Do you know what today is?" Justin asked her in a baby voice. She shook her head.

"Today is Easter. Today you get to find eggs. The eggs have candy in them and they were hidden. You have to find them," Justin explained the best he could.

Her eyes went wide. "Where are they hid?!" Justin and I led her outside. "There are 20 eggs hid babe," Justin explained as we let go of her hands.

She ran around the yard and we helped find them for her.

Later that night I had to take care of a nauseous Justin because he ate 35 pieces of candy. I rubbed his back as we watched Deadpool. Suddenly we heard May crying. She said her tummy hurt.

She had as much candy as Justin! We all laid on the couch. I looked at my babies. "You two need to watch your sugar intake." Justin glared at me. "What?" I shook my head. "Nothing. I love you both." They both smiled. "We love you."

Justin Bieber one shots and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now