Q&A (and interesting facts )

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I am Alice...I am the crazy person behind this story *waves*

This is a chapter for those who want to know what I plan...since th ending was kind of open.


some of you might remeber that I asked you long ago to ask some questions to Arian and Jake for "Characters Magazine".

I kind of forgot to tell you guys*sheepish laugh* that the issue is out and you can read it. Sadly I was only able to do 10 questions out of the 30+ that you guys sent in (PEOPLE ACTUALLY CARED!).

You only have to download the app and then download the last issue, somewhere in between the pages is the interview with Jake and Arian. (It is completely free to downlaod the magazine and app)

GO READ IT! I think it was funny.

Back to the q&a

1----" is there a character in this story that u love so much? That is somehow like you in something?

All characters are my babies so I love all but my favourites are Arian and Savannah.

Arian is all of my sick imagination in one person, she is reckless and strong. Things that I am not. I am cautios and think everything through.

And Savannah is everything I aspire to be when I am old.

When old people are savage and straightforward you can't really say anything against them because you have to respect them. So it would be funny to see the reactions of young people.

Most of my characters are what I want to be or how I wish I could be.

2---" What inspired u writing this book?
Did u plan everything beforehand or ideas just came to you while writing it?"

This book was just an idea between other 40, saved as a draft. The beginning was just that first chapter where Jake rejected her and half of you cursed me for making you cry in just the first chapter (oops).

It was only that chapter that I wrote while I had my period and was too emotional and felt like writing down that scenario that came to my head.( TMI?)

What inspired me to continue writing after that chapter was...that more ideas popped into my head that I thought would be interesting to put them with that scenario. I got excited to write this twisted story.

3----"How did it feel writing your first book without any knowledge on writing

It was terrifying.

I had no confidence in anything I wrote, I hated everything I wrote.

I threw myself into the water and tried to figure out how to use my arms and legs to hold myself over the water, and I almost drowned a few times.

This is how it felt.

Your comments gave me a floaty (u know those bright pink ones for kids? Haha)
But really I gained a little confidence through ya'll.

I struggled because I am a person who doesn't like to make mistakes, or do something bad. Continuing to write knowing that a good portion has mistakes in it drives me crazy.

4--- " What happened to the other bookman do they remember arian? "

They do.

Bookman have an absolute memory.
Trying to erase someone would get all this stored information they have mixed up.

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