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Castle angst.
Bloo boi misses Earth, Space dad cheers him up.

Lance was quiet at breakfast. He picked at the green goo, a heavy frown on his face. He looked as if he hadn't gotten any sleep the previous night.
"Lance, you okay?" Shiro asks, eyebrow cocked.
"Mhm 'm fine." Lance mumbles, he shovels a spoonful of the tasteless goo into his mouth.
Shiro sighs, he didn't want to pry, but he was worried.
"Do you wanna talk after breakfast? We can call off training for the day?"
Lance shrugs, eyes not meeting Shiro's.
Shiro frowns, many thoughts go through his head. Did Keith say something to Lance again?
"What'd I do now?" Keith deadpans.
Shiro sighs and shakes his head, unable to eat, he pushes the bowl forward like a petulant child.
Lance pushes his away too, he abruptly stands up and races to his room without a word.

That wasn't like Lance at all.

Lance sits in his room, hugging one of his many pillows, a picture of his family to the side.
He sniffles and sobs.
A small knock causes him to jump.
"O-one minute." he mutters, he quickly races to the bathroom, washes his face and blows his nose.
He puts the picture under a pillow and lets Shiro in.
"What's up?" Lance cracks a smile.
Shiro cups Lance's face, examining the eyebags and bloodshot eyes.
Lance's face flushes.
"H-h-hey warn a guy before you go 'n touch him." Lance growls out.
Shiro chuckles and pulls away.
"Sorry. I just know that look too well."
"What look." Lance mutters.
"The one you had at breakfast. The one you have now. You've been crying, Lance." Shiro crosses his arms.
Lance flinches.
"S-s-shiro." Lance sobs, he reaches his arms out like a child asking to be carried.
Shiro opens up his arms and brings Shiro close.
Lance feels for the picture and hands it to Shiro, his face hidden in Shiro's chest. He sniffles and sobs, hands shaking.

Shiro hums a tune, one hand playing with Lance's hair and the other holding the picture.
"Hey, Lance."
Lance hums as if asking what.
"You know, I could maybe ask Allura if you and I could take a small trip to Earth."
"Y-y-you'd do that for me?!" Lance shoots up, tears flowing heavier.
"I'd do anything for you, Lance." Shiro smiles, it was the fondest and most living smile Lance had seen in a while.
Lance smashes his lips to Shiro's teeth clacking, he pulls away wincing.
"Okay okay let me redo that. I got excited." Lance whispers, he leans in halfway, letting Shiro lean in the rest of the way.

The kiss was soft, lips melting together, hands entertwined.
Shiro pulls away, his face flushed.
"I've wanted to do that since the day we met. To thank my hero." Shiro grins.
"That means you'd have to kiss Keith too." Lance frowns.
"Nah, you're the only hero for me. My number 1." Shiro smile, he kisses Lance again.
Lance fucking melts, the way Shiro had a hand on his lower back, the other pressed against his chest. He wanted to be held more. It was nice.
He felt safe...no...at home.
"Y'know I've wanted to kiss you longer." Lance snickers.
"Just gotta make everything a competition, huh?" Shiro smirks.
Lance's face flushes
"Don't do thaaaaat." Lance whines.
"Do what?"
"Do go around smirking like that, you're gonna give someone a heart attack with your freakishly good looks." Lance sputters out, face bright red.
"Aww I think you're attractive too." Shiro smiles, he pats Lance's head like he was a dog or something.
"I'm not a dog." Lance pouts.
"I'm not a dog."
"How so?"
"I'm not on my hands and knees and I don't bark."
"You may not bark, but you'll be on your hands and knees one day." Shiro chuckles, that smirk plastered across his face.
Flirting was Lances thing.
He was stealing his thunder.
I'm going to be replaced.
They don't need me.
7th wheel.
1 more person than the lions.
Maybe he'll let me stay on Earth.
Lance thinks. Eyes glossing over, he bites back tears
"Yeah?" his voice came out more fragile than he would like.
"What's wrong? Tell me what you're thinking." Shiro smiles, softness in his voice.
"Ah its nothing." Lance brushes it off.
Its not just nothing. Pathetic.
7th wheel.
Cargo pilot.
Just temporary.
He does not love you.
Think rationally.
He doesn't want to be with you.
Who would?
Lance flinches, tears welding up.
He slaps his face with both of his hands.
"Stop crying." he mutters bitterly to himself.
Not good enough.
Stop trying.
Give up.
"Hey." Shiro's voice cuts through.
"Should I give up?" Lance looks Shiro in the eyes, eyebrows knitted up, tears just threatening to spill, lips curved in a permanent frown.
"Are you a fucking idiot?" Shiro growls.
Lance flinches back.
"We need you, Lance. You're our balance. Not just for Voltron, so we don't all fall apart.
I've noticed for a while, how upset you are, Lance. You ask everyone how they're doing, but nobody asks you.
So, Lance, tell me, how are you doing?"
"P-pretty shit." Lance laughs bitterly.
"What all is bothering you. It's not just homesickness. What keeps you up at night?"
"I-i- voices. They keep me up at night. Yelling, telling me things that are completely true."
"7th wheel. Not good enough. Give up. H-he doesn't really lo-like you. Pathetic. Crybaby. Cargo pilot- Shiro I'm going to be replaced." Lance whimpers, voice craving.
"We all will, Lance. Eventually, we're going to die."
"I need to talk to my mom first. I need to see her. I need to see all of them. I have to see Marco, and Luis, and Veronica. They're probably so big now." Lance bites at his lip, a nervous habit.
Shiro thumbs Lance's lip out from his teeth and leans in, his eyes meeting Lance's as if asking if he could kiss him.
Lance leans in, letting Shiro set the pace.
Shiro smiles into it, soft, full of love.
When he pulls away he smiles wide.
"Who doesn't love you?"
"Y-you. The t-team." Lance chokes out.
"Now where did you get that from?"
"Everyone's attitude towards me. Hunk even acts colder around me."
"What you don't see, Lance, is how worried he is. He's cold because he wants to ask what's wrong, but he's scared."
Lance bites at his lips again.
"Hey." Shiro whispers
Lance rips a part of the skin off, blood staining his lips.
Shiro thumbs Lance's lip out of his teeth again, he runs his tongue along the blood, cleaning it off.
Lance whines, relishing the feel of Shiro's tongue on his skin.
Shiro pulls away, not even blushing at what he did.
"Shiro! You can't just-"
Shiro chuckles and kisses Lance, he slips his tongue into Lance's mouth.
Lance moans and pulls away, he hides his face, cheeks red, ears red.
Shiro smiles and pats his head.
"I'll go ask Allura now."
"Y-yea you do that." Lance squeaks, pulling his jacket tight around him.

They took precautions.
Pidge looked at their clever Galra tracker and found out that there weren't any near them.
"Shiro, Lance, please be safe."
"It's home, what could happen?" Lance smiles.
"Come back to us." Pidge smiles.
"Hey, Lance. Tell them I'm okay."
"Will do buddy." Lance grins.
Shiro puts his forehead against Lance's.
"Come back to me." he whispers.
"Come with me. I want you to meet them." Lance mutters.
"I've gotta be here for the team."
"Psh Keith can take care of them." Lance chuckles.
Shiro turns to the team.
"Go on, just come back." Coran smiles.
"Thank you, Coran."

They set their coordinates for Earth.
Lance was giddy and scared.
When they finally land, Lance races out of the lion and up to his childhood home.
Bikes and toys littered the yard.
Tears flowed down his cheeks, he lifts a shaky hand to the door and knocks.
"I'll get it!" a young woman shouts.
Lance chews at his bottom lip, wipes the tears out of his eyes and smiles.
The door opens.
"Lance...?" she whispers.
"Veronica who's at the door?" his mom asks, padding to the front door.
"Hey mama. Veronica."
"LANCE!" his mom shouts, pushing Veronica out of the way she takes him into his arms.
They sit there sobbing and talking in hushed Spanish.
"Lance you gonna introduce us to the hot dude over there, by that- woah what the hell is that?" Luis smiles. When had he gotten outside?
"Uhm that's my lion. Her name is Red. And that hot guy, is Takashi Shirogane."
"Wait the Kerberos guy that you have plastered on your walls?" Luis snorts.
"Quiznack?" Marcos eyebrow cocks up.
"Uhhhh, long story. Okay okay, Shiro, Hunk, Pidge, Keith, and I pilot those lions. We defend the universe mama. I'm finally doing something useful."
"You've always been useful, Lance." she smiles.
"Now come on, you look thinner, lets get some food in you. You too Shiro. Any one who makes my baby happy is welcome into our family." she smiles.

So uhhh yeah.
Bc I'm having a bad day.

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