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Shiro loved everything about Lance. His curly locks of chocolate brown hair. His soft caramel skin that seemed to glow in the sun. Wide, deep ocean blue eyes that had a glint of mischief in them.

Lance's lips, full and soft. Long tantalizing neck. Broad shoulders smackled in freckles. Smooth chest and back, only flaw was the large scar from a laser on his back.

He loved Lance's hips. The curve of his ass. Soft, plush thighs. Long smooth legs. Everything about Lance was perfect.

He never knew how to express that love outside of kissing each body part slowly. Sex wasn't something that was on Lance's mind a lot. So it had annoyed him when Shiro would just kiss him.

Lance didn't understand that, that was Shiro's way of showing his love. So when the proposal had happened he full on sobbed.

It happened during a 'meeting' in the lounge. Shiro had slipped onto one knee, facing Lance. He smiled up at him and pulled a ring box from his pocket.

"Lance Charles McClain, I know I'm not the best with my words. I always have tried to express them through kissing and other activities. It seems they don't reach the same way as I believe they do. So, here it goes. Since I laid eyes on you, I fell in love with your whole being. Your curly chocolate brown hair, your soft seemingly glowing skin, your gorgeous ocean blue eyes, your soft lips, your neck, shoulders smackled in freckles, smooth chest, your back even its scar, your hips, your soft thighs, long smooth legs. That's not the only thing I love about you. I love how selfless you are, I love how you'd sacrifice everything for the people you care about. I love your personality even though you can be obnoxious sometimes. You're the most beautiful person I've laid my eyes on and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Will you do me the honor of being my husband?"

Lance was crying to much to answer. Full on ugly crying, he hiccups and falls into Shiro. Hugging him tightly, nodding his head.

The room erupted into clapping and crying.

Shiro and Lance sat there laughing and crying. Just holding each other.

This was the happiest both of them had been since they got into space. Lance was so proud of how far they've come.

They were to be properly wedded when they got back on Earth, but things had gone wrong. Lance had gotten badly injured in a fight with Sendak.

They didn't know if he was going to make it. The healing pods taking forever to help his injuries.

He had lost a leg and one of his eyes. A blade had gone through his side leaving and ugly gash that was quite deep.

Shiro would sit in front of the pod, day and night. Pressing a kiss to it each time he'd leave. He'd play with his wedding band anytime he was nervous.

"Is he doing any better, princess?"

"Im afraid not." Allura mutters.

"Is he getting worse then?"

"No, he's staying the same. The pod is working its hardest to get that wound in his side to heal up."

"He's been in there for a month already!" Shiro shouts.

"Yes, I know. But it just needs time to heal, as well as his leg. He had made a bit of progress, but not much. It may be another month."

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