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Fluff bc we need a break from smut and angst.

"Takashi!" Lance smiles, running and jumping into his lovers arms.

"Hey Lance." Shiro smiles, catching the smaller boy.

"Can you two go PDA somewhere else?" Pidge groans, shuffling away from the sight with her bowl of green mush.

"Nope!" Lance laughs, resting his forehead against Shiro's and touching their noses together.

"I think its sweet." Hunk smiles at the sight.

"You'll say that until the cute phase ends. Next it'll be kissing and sex."

"Woah, who said anything about sex?" Shiro's face was flushed at the idea.

"Not for a while. Not until we're both comfortable with the idea of it." Lance mutters, pressing a small kiss to Shiro's cheek.

"The kissing begins." Pidge gags.

Keith comes shuffling into the lounge, dark circles under his eyes.

"Hey look its my favorite cryptid pal!" Pidge grins.

Keith cracks a small smile and joins the group.

"What's going on?"

"Just a couple of guys being dudes." Lance grins.

"Just a couple of dudes being guys." Shiro snorts.

"Oh my god take me now babe." Lance says overdramatically swooning, his hand thrown across his forehead.

"Ew." Keith grimaces and turns to Pidge. They begin talking about cryptids to Hunk.

"You wanna put me down now?" Lance laughs.

"Oh shit. Yeah sorry." Shiro's face flushes.

Flustered Shiro was so cute in Lance's eyes. The male would turn a deep red before turning his face away or he'd avoid eye contact.

He was in love with Shiro and he knew it from the start.

He loved Shiro to bits. He loved being there for his lover whenever he would break down at night.

He loved kissing over the scars, whispering that it'd be okay. That he's safe. No one can hurt him.

Lance would rub soothing patterns into Shiro's skin. Whispering sweet nothings as they'd cuddle and watch movies.

Everything about Shiro was perfect to Lance.

Shiro disagreed about being perfect which would always end with Lance kissing Shiro's body.

When they finally had sex, Lance was the top. He took everything slow, pressing soft kisses everywhere.

Reassured the male. Asking all the way through if he needed to stop. Each time he'd get the same answer.

"No, love, you're perfect. So good." Shiro would smile.

Lance was just so happy he had someone that loved him.
To have someone to hold. To kiss.

Someone that he could call his.

Someone he could call home.

Shiro was Lance's home. His scent was Lance's safe haven. It was the thing that told Lance that everything would be okay.

The hold Shiro would have on him when he'd sit there at night and cry. Cry about missing home.

He always felt like shit burdening Shiro with his feelings, but in a relationship you have to.

You have to tell your other half the things that hurt. You have to tell them so they can help you be happy.

Lance would cry while telling stories of his sister and brothers. Laughing softly while remembering.

For Shiro it was the same.

He was madly in love.

Everything Lance did made his heart soar. Especially the cute little half smiles he did.

He loved to run his fingers through Lance's chestnut brown hair. To press soft kisses to his head and watch movies.

He loved to listen to Lance's stories. To listen about his lover's family.

They sounded so interesting. He'd like to meet them some day. To have Lance introduce him as his husband.

When Lance would sit there and kiss him, whisper to him that he's okay, it made him love the male even more.

He was in so deep. Everything Lance did had him falling harder. He fell and fell but never landed.

His love for Lance is limitless and he hopes it's the same way for Lance.


Uhh good? Yeah?

Its summer break, so I'll probably publish a lot more.

Aaaaa I'm not a fucking freshman anymore!!!

I'm also probably moving schools:') so I'm gonna be missing friends.

Most of them will probably forget about me.

Oof uhhh yeah merry fuckmas

Shance OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now