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Jaiden and Boyinaband made a song together and it spoke so loudly to me. I wanted to write something with Lance and Shiro.
So here's angst.

It started with him just picking apart at his body. Thoughts would fill his mind on how disgusting he looked.

He hated the way he looked. He hated how the numbers on the scale started going up instead of down.

Cracked lips, nails bitten down as far as he can reach, shaky limbs tired eyes.

It then began to exceed his thoughts and he began doing something about it.

At first it was just skipping breakfast. Then it was lunch. Then it was dinner.

He'd lie and tell everyone he had already eaten. He'd chug glasses of water and sleep for as long as he could just to ignore the rumbling in his stomach.

Even when he'd get the urge, something would prod at the back of his mind. Tell him that it's better to be empty.

And he believes it. He believes being empty is better than being healthy.

Soon the numbers on the scale decreases. Landing down in the 90s.

He was addicted to the pain that ebbed in his stomach. Addicted to the way he began to look.

Thin and gangly. He hated the fat on his cheeks. He wanted to scoop them out. He wanted the fat on his arms to melt off and his stomach to fall out onto the floor.

And the cycle continued.

He hated himself again. He wasn't thin enough. 98 pounds wasn't light enough.

He needed help. Something in him wouldn't let him though.

He would sob and shake in bed as he froze in the burning temperatures of the ship.

He wasn't any use on missions and fighting. He was so frail and felt like literal shit.

His ribs began to poke out more, hips poked out more. He was a thin bag of bones.

He looked like shit.
He looked like a skeleton.

"It doesn't make you weak to get help." something whispers to him in his head.

It was right. It wouldn't make him weak. He stood on his shaky legs and made his way from his room and to the lounge.

His eyes trace the room and they land on Shiro's.

"S-shiro." he stutters, his eyes were dark and sunken in, his lips were cracked and dry, skin paler than usual.

"Lance!" Shiro shouts, worry evident in his voice.

And just like that he was in Shiro's arms.

"I need help." Lance whispers, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"And I'll help you." Shiro smiles.

And with that, Shiro helps Lance.
He keeps his promise and helps Lance to his fullest extent.

Slowly Lance starts eating again. It wasn't a lot of food, but it was something.

He regained his color and his eyes didn't look so dull. He'd cry at the numbers increasing and want to relapse, but Shiro wouldn't let him.

Lance finally began to get his strength back and started training again.

Every now and then he'd look at his food and just shove the plate away. Refusing to eat anymore as the voice ebbed at the back of his mind.

"It's better to be empty." it repeated in his mind.

He looked to Shiro and Shiro would hug him.

"Its better to get help than face it alone."

And he'd be okay. Shiro's warmth around him and voice telling him it was okay. That's all he needed.

Uhhh this is sucky and short but yeah.
It's a pretty good song so y'all should uhhh check it out

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