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Shiro in a Santa suit...?

Christmas, Lance's favorite holiday. Not just because it was time to spend time with family, but because Shiro always dressed in a Santa get up. It was more so for the children, but it made Lance really happy.

It made him happy to see his husband smiling after everything they've been through. Shiro had proposed a year after the defeat of Honerva, Allura still with them. Her and Keith ended up dating and marrying. Eventually having children.

"Takashi~" Lance coos, smiling.

"Hey love." Shiro smiles.

"You getting in that cute Santa get up for the kids this year?"

"Of course." Shiro laughs, grabbing Lance by the hips. Pulling the male close.

"Good, I'm sure our little one would love it." Lance hums.

"Mhm, sure she would. Speaking of Ariel, where is she?"

"She's at uncle 'Keef's'." Lance smiles.

"Did you plan that?"

"Nope! Keith just came up and asked if he could take her.. Of course I planned it you dim wit."

"That's not nice." Shiro snorts.

"So what."

"If you're mean you'll be on Santa's naughty list." Shiro chuckles.

"Oh? And if I am on his naughty list?"

"You may just get a bundle of switches and some coal."

"Are those switches to spank me with?" Lance grins.

"They might be if you keep acting naughty."

"Then I might just keep on.." Lance chuckles.

"Mm really?"

"Mhm, but for now you need to get ready. I'm sure Keith and Allura are restless right now, they've got Ariel and their twins."

"Why'd you make him take her."

"She wanted uncle Keith." Lance laughs.

"Uh huh.. Get out so I can get ready."

"Awe you dont want your husband to see your body?" Lance pouts.

"Later, love. Now get out." Shiro laughs, pushing Lance out the door.

Lance smiles, gathering the bags off presents to take over to Keith and Allura's. They lived right next door so it was convenient for them to babysit each other's kids. He doesnt bother knocking before he waltzes in, a grin on his face.

His and Shiro's daughter squeals, running full speed at him. It wasnt very fast, but jeez could that toddler run. She wraps her arms around his knees and squeezes.

"Daddy!" She gleams.

"Hi baby, can you let me go put these in front of the tree?" Lance smiles.

She nods, following Lance over to the tree. Lance sets them down and smiles at Allura.

"Where's the twins?"

"They've just settled for a nap."

"Really?" Lance pouts.

"No, they're getting diaper changes."

"Oh, alright. Shiro is getting ready."

"Hm he still doing that get up?"

"Of course he is. He always does it." Lance huffs.

Keith comes into the living room, the twins in his hands. They're in matching outfits, one has naughty printed across the chest and the other has nice.

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