Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Mike’s POV

          He was sitting in the living room of his and Chester’s small apartment. When Chester had come back to the band, Mike had immediately put money towards an apartment so Chester could live with him and not alone. Chester was happy when Mike told him that he could live with him. He had guessed Chester didn’t have much money. The band was supposed to be meeting today to talk and just hang out. Dave would of course have the radio going.

          “Hey Mike?” Chester asked from next to him.


          “I’ve been thinking of maybe getting my hair cut,” Chester said. Mike looked at him. The blonde dye was starting to wear out a little. Patches of brown had started to show up. He smiled at the smaller man.

          “Sick of blonde?” Mike asked with a grin.

          “No….I like it. But maybe I should just do something new. I was thinking maybe blue.”

          Mike laughed, “No don’t do blue. You should just let the dye wear out. Go with your natural hair color.”

          “You think so?”

          “Yea. I bet it’ll be cute,” Mike smiled. Chester’s ears reddened a little bit but he smiled.

          “You think anything I do is cute.”

          “Yea I do,” Mike laughed and Chester snickered too. Mike still couldn’t get over how cute Chester’s laugh was.

          “Ok I’ll do my natural hair. It gets….uh…..kinda curly,” Chester said looking at his feet.

          Mike pressed his lips into Chester’s hair, “I think it’ll be fine.”

          “I had it before…….well…..I bet you can guess what happened.”

          Mike cupped Chester’s cheek in his hand and pressed his lips softly to Chester’s, “Then don’t think about it. Anything you do is perfect.”

          Chester smiled against his lips as he kissed Mike back.

          “AWWW THEY’RE KISSING AGAIN!” Mike jumped backwards as Dave and Rob arrived in their apartment. Dave laughed as Rob smirked at them from where he was leaning against the wall. Over the past five years, Rob and Chester had become very close. Any joke or sarcastic comment that Rob made was always laughed at by Chester. Mike was happy that Rob felt more comfortable with Chester. It had taken a while.

          “That’s right!” Mike said with a grin as the two other men sat in the living room. Dave smiled as he sat down across from them. Rob leaned on the wall.

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