Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Mike’s POV

          He hadn’t talked with Chester in a long time. It’d been two weeks since they’d had their first argument and now they barely talked to each other. They didn’t even sleep in the same bed. Chester would take the couch half the time. The performances still went fine but they weren’t as happy during or after them. Mike hadn’t tried to talk with Chester at all. He didn’t want to. He knew it was all over. But that didn’t stop the people from talking about it. People pointed at them and whispered if they ever walked down the street. Everyone knew about them. Chester was more uncomfortable with it than Mike was. But Mike didn’t care how many panic attacks Chester had in the middle of the night, he wasn’t going to offer any comfort to the other man, he didn’t deserve it. No matter what his mind continued to tell him. That it was all just a big misunderstanding. It wasn’t. It hadn’t appeared to be. Mike shook his head as he stood backstage. They were getting ready to go. Chester had just had a really bad experience with a few fans that had insulted him. Mike hated the look he had. Dave and Rob were trying to get him to calm down but Chester was sitting with his head on his knees against the wall. Mike sighed.

          “Hey let’s go! We need to get out there! Suck it up Chaz.”

          Dave gave him a threatening look before going back trying to calm Chester down before they went on stage. Mike stood by Brad and Joe who also looked slightly annoyed. At least he had people on his side.

          “Hey, listen Chaz, don’t listen to them. They don’t know what they’re talking about,” Dave said putting his arm around Chester’s shoulders. Chester leaned heavily on Dave and Mike felt a tiny twinge of jealousy. He was the one who was supposed to comfort Chester. But he flicked the feeling aside. He didn’t need to feel jealous of Dave. Still seeing how Chester felt safe next to Dave made him feel uncomfortable.

          “LET’S GO!” Joe yelled from beside him. Chester flinched and Mike swallowed. He hated seeing Chester scared.

          “Come on. You’re ok,” Dave said helping Chester to his feet. The two of them passed by Mike, Dave giving him a glare as he did, and walked out on to the stage. The crowd started to cheer as the rest of them made their way out. Mike sighed as he jogged across the stage to his microphone. Chester was standing in the front of the crowd waving happily at some of the crowd. He turned in a circle as he waved to each individual. Mike remembered when he used to be the reason for that happiness. He sighed as the first part of the song came on and they began their concert.

Their concert finished but it took forever because he and Chester barely talked to each other during the breaks . Chester joked around with the crowd but Mike stayed mostly silent. People laughed at Chester and his humor. He told the story where he’d gotten stuck in his bed on their first ride in the tour bus. He also told them the story of when Rob and Dave had to play Frogger just to get across the street. The crowd loved him. He was the perfect person for them. Mike sighed as he lied down in his bed. He had begun to go to sleep earlier now that Chester had stopped curling up with him. He heard Dave playing the guitar and Chester singing from the back of the bus.

          “You take a lot of chances with your feelings

          But no one really knows what you feel

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