Chapter 11

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                                            Chapter 11

Mike’s POV

          “MIKE WAKE UP!” someone was shouting at their door. He guessed it wasn’t Chester since he was lying right next to him. He yawned and stretched as he climbed out of bed. He threw on a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants before going to the door where Dave was standing with an impatient look on his face.

          “What the hell! Look at this!” Dave said as he held out his phone. There was a picture along with a headline. The picture was of two guys standing out in the light of the moon. One was knelt in front of the other with a ring in his hand. Mike swallowed as he read the headline.

          ‘Bandmates or More?’

          “Oh god,” Mike said uneasily as Dave stared at him.

          “My thoughts exactly. It was not supposed to get out like this!” Dave said.

          “Now what do we do?” Mike asked shakily. He glanced back into their room to make sure Chester was still asleep. The guy had just escaped all the pressure, now it was going to be thrust back at him. Mike sighed and looked down at the ground.

          “Ignore anyone who asks. We’ll keep it away from the media right now. We don’t mention it to anyone. Let’s just focus on the tour,” Dave said quietly.

          “Do we tell Chester?”

          “No way. He’ll freak out.”

          “Dave he has the right to know.”

          “He’ll panic. We can’t have that.”

          “This is about him! He has the right to know!”

          Mike walked back into the room and shut the door behind him. He would tell Chester. He climbed back into their bed and wrapped his arm around Chester’s waist. Chester shifted and then yawned. He stretched and smiled at Mike. Mike grinned back at him.

          “Come on get up!” Mike said giving him a little nudge. Chester nodded sleepily and then pulled himself out of bed. Mike glanced at Chester’s skinny form and almost went back on his idea to tell Chester about the whole thing getting out into the public. But he deserved to know.

          “Mike….wow there are a lot of people outside the hotel,” Chester muttered as he looked out the window. Mike was there in an instant, pulling Chester back away.

          “Wait…Chaz….I gotta tell you something.”

          “What is it?”

          “You know what happened yesterday?”

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