Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Mike’s POV

          He sat with Chester on the couch. They had some show on but they weren’t really paying attention. Chester had his arm around him and Mike took the opportunity to rest his head on Chester’s shoulder. He didn’t mind letting Chester hold on to him sometimes like this. It was nice. He knew that he was more of the dominant one in the relationship but he was fine with Chester holding onto him instead. He sighed as he shifted and Chester glanced down at him.


          “Hey. What’s going on?” Mike asked with a small smirk. Chester shrugged.

          “I don’t know. What was with that ‘sweetheart’ a few days ago?”

          “You needed something comforting. And besides, you’re my sweetheart even if you don’t want to be,” Mike grinned. Chester smiled at him and kissed him lightly.

          “Well then you’re mine too.”

          “Ok. I can live with that.”

          Chester laughed softly and pulled Mike closer to him. If that was possible. They were already basically in each other’s laps. Chester kept giving him weird glances.

          “You ok Chaz?”

          “Yea. Just thinking.”

          “Thinking about what?”


          “I can see that. What about me?”

          “Just that you’re really cute.”

          “Well thank you.”

          Chester smiled and then kissed him again. This one was longer. Chester’s hand came up to his cheek and held their lips together. Mike grabbed the back of Chester’s neck and pushed them together. Chester’s eyes were closed but there was a smile on his face as he kissed him. And then he felt himself being pushed backwards and Chester was straddling his hips and leaning down to kiss him again. Mike wrapped his arms around Chester’s back as he felt Chester’s hand behind his head. The other hand braced him above him. Mike didn’t care. He loved having Chester this close to him. He kissed him again and ran his hands on his back. Chester moaned softly and kissed him again, running his tongue along Mike’s lip. Mike opened his mouth slightly and let Chester in. As they broke away for air he stared up at Chester who was panting slightly.

          “Wow Chaz,” he said and Chester offered him a smile.

          “I can’t get enough of you Mikey. God, I can’t,” Chester said and with that he was back over him and their lips met again. Mike pulled Chester against him. Chester lifted Mike’s head up to kiss him again. They broke away again.

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