Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Chester’s POV

          They rode back to California and were now back at the studio. He was glad to be back home. It was nice to be back in California. Even though many people still glared or spit at him as he walked down the streets. That made him slightly upset. People knocked into him and jostled him around in crowds. He hated it. But Mike was always there to comfort him after a bad day. At the moment, he was heading down to the recording studio to work on music. Of course, he still wasn’t allowed to sing for a while. That made him mad. He loved to sing. Being denied that, was like denying him one of the necessities of life. He hated having flashbacks to the past but being denied of necessities reminded him of food, which reminded him of lunch, which reminded him of terrible times.

          He sat down in between Mike and some other kid. They were all sitting together. Dave and Brad were cracking stupid jokes at each other. Chester leaned in and listened.


          “Hey Brad wanna hear a joke?”


          “Not really,” Brad said rolling his eyes.


          “Alright listen, there’s these two cows standing in a field. The first cow says to the second cow, ‘hey what do you think of this mad cow disease?’ The second cow says, ‘what do I care I’m a helicopter!” Dave cracked up and Mike put his head in his arms.


          “I swear Dave if I didn’t know you, I think you’d be hung up from the ceiling by your boxers every day,” Brad said shaking his head. Dave continued to laugh at his own stupid joke. Chester cracked a smile.


          “I thought it was alright,” he said and Rob shook his head.


          “Don’t encourage him!”


          Chester smiled but that smile faded as someone hit him over the head. He winced and raised his hand to his head. Another hit and then someone spun him around.


          “Hey get out of my seat asshole!” the kid glared down at him. Mike leaned over.


          “This isn’t your seat, he’s been sitting here forever,” Mike glared at the kid.


          Chester turned back around only to get shoved uncomfortably forward into the table. By now, a small group of people were watching them and others from the tables next to them. Mike was standing up next to the boy and arguing with him. He heard something slide across the table and all of a sudden his head was forced into a pile of that goopy cheese they used for nachos. He gasped as he lifted his head and the kids started laughing. Chester’s face was bright red. One of the kids smirked at him before scraping off some of the cheese with a chip.


          “Well, he’s a great cheese head,” the kid said. Some more laughter. Dave gave him a napkin and Chester wiped his face off. His face was burning. He felt tears in his eyes.

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