Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Chester’s POV

          He was lying in bed in their tour bus. He had been released from the hospital with strict orders to not over exert himself for a while. That meant no sex with Mike either. There went all his fun. He sighed as he rolled over on his bed and tried to get comfortable. He couldn’t sing, goof around, or have sex. Great. Mike was hanging out with the guys since Chester had told him to go have fun. It wasn’t like he would be able to do anything fun. Sure he could talk to the rest of the guys but he wanted to sing so much. He missed the days that Dave would play the guitar and he would sing whatever came into his mind as they rode in the bus. That could always make him happy and take his mind off of other things. But now he couldn’t even escape through that. So he had spent his time working out lyrics for their second album. They had a few songs that they had worked out. Numb would be on this album. But he had started a song he called Somewhere I Belong. It really connected with him. He sighed as he rolled over in his bed once again. He couldn’t get comfortable. He looked down at his wrist and swallowed as he saw the mostly faded scars there. He squeezed his eyes shut as he thought to where he’d gotten them. He didn’t want to remember them.

          He couldn’t believe his luck when his dad told him he was going to a summer camp. He would escape from the pain at home. What had made him decide to send him away? Well he found out soon enough. He ended up at a camp that was supposedly supposed to help gay kids. He swallowed as his dad pushed him out of the car and left him at the entrance. He slowly walked towards the people who welcomed him with frowns. He already felt his body shaking nervously as they led him towards the main room. People stared at him as he walked by.


          “No, no that won’t do. Cut the hair off. All of it, and get that disgusting dye out of it,” the man said shaking his head at Chester who looked away nervously, “And that needs to stop too. Look at me when I’m talking to you boy.”


          Chester shivered uncontrollably. He didn’t want to be here anymore. He slowly lifted his head to look the man in the eyes.


          “And I believe the pants need to go as well. No self-respecting boy wears skinny jeans. The earrings and the glasses too. You are a mess aren’t you?” he asked and Chester lowered his eyes again as the two men next to him grabbed him roughly and led him away. He struggled to get away from them but they wouldn’t let go. He could feel that he would hate this place. The men took him into a room and locked the door. It wasn’t a nice room but they set him down in a chair and immediately restraints covered his wrists and ankles, holding him to the chair. Chester gasped as he tried to pull away. One of them men tilted his head back and he heard the buzz of a razor. No, he couldn’t lose this. It meant so much. This was the last thing he had of Mike. He had dyed his hair with red spikes to remember Mike. He tried desperately to get away but the man pulled his head back farther before cutting all his hair off.


          “No! NO!” Chester cried as he saw the red and blonde fall to the floor. He was left with a buzz cut of his natural brown hair. He felt tears prick his eyes. But it got worse as they ripped his earrings out. It tore through his ear and he cried in pain again as he felt blood run down the side of his head. His glasses were taken off and smashed before he was allowed to get up.


          “Pants. Off. Now,” the man said and Chester swallowed. He wouldn’t listen to these people. They didn’t scare him.

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