Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Mike’s POV

          “I’ll catch up to you in a second Chaz, just go on,” Mike said as he moved over against the wall to tie his shoe.


          “Mike…I can wait,” Chester said as he started to turn.


          “No just go. I don’t want you to be late,” Mike said. Chester sighed but walked off towards his next class. He knelt down and began to tie his shoe back up. A second later he was pushed hard forwards and ended up sprawled on the ground.


          “Look who lost his boyfriend,” a voice taunted. Mike looked up at the boys standing above him. They loved picking on him. He slowly got to his knees only to have a foot collide with his side. He wheezed slightly as he forced himself to his feet.


          “What’s up Mikey?” the kid said. Mike tried hard to remember his name. Antonio? That sounded right.


          “Shut up,” he said as he started walking away.


          “Ooohhh Mikey, Mikey,” Antonio moaned tauntingly, “Oh fuck me harder Mikey.”


          Mike’s ears turned bright red as he walked away. Antonio and his friends caught up to him making those annoying noises. He hated them. Antonio grabbed his wrist and turned him around.


          “Is that what Chazzy-Baby says to you?” he asked softly, “Does he ask you to fuck him hard?”


          “Fuck off!” Mike said pulling away. He stalked away from the group of boys as they laughed at him. And then Chester was there.


          “Mike are you alright?” he asked concerned. Mike nodded and went to take his hand but before he could, there was a loud bang and Chester collapsed to the ground in a pile of blood.


          “No! Chaz! NO!”


          Mike woke in a panic. Every night he had to relive Chester being shot over and over again. The first part had been real. He had been made fun of by those kids all the time. But Chester had never appeared there or been shot. That was his imagination. He glanced over at Chester who was sleeping soundly in the bed. They’d been on their honeymoon for a week now. They’d done a ton of stuff but just being with him had made Mike happy. He slowly lied back down after making sure Chester was still breathing. He stared up at the ceiling. Chester had asked him multiple times during the past week if he was ok. He’d been so tired because he was up the entire night reliving Chester get shot. God that was such a terrible day. He turned around and pulled Chester next to him. He buried his face into the smaller man’s hair and cried quietly. He had been so close to losing the man that he loved so much.

          He wasn’t sure how long he stayed like that but it was long enough for Chester to start having his own nightmare. It was the first one in a few days which Mike was glad about. That meant Chester was starting to get over his fears. This nightmare seemed different than the others though. For one thing, Chester wasn’t yelling his name.

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