Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Chester’s POV


          “That’s stupid.”

          “Well that’s what he said.”

          “You can’t possibly be considering it?”

          “No way in hell! We’re different like that.”

          “I can’t believe he’d even suggest we do something like that. Did he not read the paper?”

          “I guess he doesn’t care. He wants us to be successful and apparently that meant doing this.”

          “Fuck him!”


          “I don’t care. Fuck him. I don’t know how he could say that. After what we’ve done.”

          “Maybe he’s right, I want us to do well. If that means…..”

          “Don’t even say that ok!?”

          “We won’t cooperate with him.”

          “Yea, don’t worry about it Chaz. He was stupid for thinking it. We’re not going along with it.”

          That had been two weeks ago. It was now a few days before Valentine’s Day and Chester was still seething. He was so angry that one of the people in their record label would even suggest what they had. And the worst part was that Mike was starting to be distant. They didn’t talk a lot. They still slept together at night but it wasn’t like before. It was almost like they didn’t exist to each other. He was still so mad that they’d even suggested having Mike quit singing. That they’d even think about something as stupid as that. How could they? So what if they had two front men? Who cared if they had a rapper and a singer? Chester couldn’t rap like Mike could and Mike couldn’t sing like Chester could. The only reason that Mike was the one being considered was because Chester sang more than he did. They’d said they weren’t giving up their emcee but it still made Chester angry. And Mike was pulling away from everyone which made him mad because he couldn’t believe that Mike would think they’d actually make him stop rapping. He just hoped Mike wouldn’t make himself distant in a few days. He had a perfect Valentine’s Day planned for the two of them and he wanted it to go well. Having Mike distanced from him just made him sad which then fueled his anger towards the others. It was their fault that Mike was pushing away from everyone. From him.

          “FUCK!” he yelled angrily as he punched one of the walls in the house. Mike wasn’t around right now. He’d gone out to work in the studio. Chester had wanted to go with him, just to keep him company but Mike said that he wanted to work alone. It really had gotten to him. Mike would almost never want him to stay alone. He’d always go with Mike. His phone rang.

          “Hey this is Chester.”

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