Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Chester’s POV


          “N-No…..M-Mike s-stop,” Chester cried as Mike shoved him against the wall and tugged at his pants.


          “You said you wanted me to fuck you Chazzy,” Mike hissed. Chester felt tears pour down his face as Mike started to stroke his cock. He squirmed against the wall as Mike crashed his lips against his own and grinded against him.


          “Mmm, Chaz,” Mike moaned. Chester cried out again as Mike pushed him hard against the wall. It was over. It was all over.


          Chester woke in a cold sweat, his breaths coming in short gasps. He sat straight up in bed as his chest rose and fell rapidly. That day still terrified him and it always would. He glanced over at Mike who was still sleeping soundly on the other side of the bed. He slowly pushed himself off the bed and headed to the bathroom. He splashed some water on his face and glanced at the wall where the mirror used to be before Mike had punched it. The only thing he’d heard was the shattering of glass and Mike’s cries. He knew something was up.

          He couldn’t go back to sleep after a dream like that unless Mike held him and told him it would be alright. That nothing would ever happen to him. He relied on Mike to get him through things like this. But he knew Mike got irritated when he woke him up in the middle of the night. He didn’t show it but he knew Mike missed being able to sleep through an entire night. Chester sighed as he splashed more water on his face to try and settle himself down. He was still shaking like crazy. His hands shook as he grabbed the towel to dry his face. His hand hesitated over the drawer where he hid his razors but he left the bathroom before he could decide to cut.

          He slowly walked back to the bedroom and checked the clock. It was three in the morning. He couldn’t get up now. He’d be exhausted for the rest of the day. He laid down next to Mike who was still sleeping where he had been when Chester had left. He climbed back on the bed and curled up next to Mike, needing the contact of his boyfriend to keep him safe. He pressed his back against Mike’s and hoped it would be enough. He sniffed quietly and buried his head in the blankets. And then an arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him against another person.

          “It’s ok Chaz. I promise you’re ok now,” Mike whispered as he held Chester close to him. Chester felt tears well in his eyes. Mike was awake and holding him. Everything would be alright.

          “I’ll never hurt you again, I promise,” Mike said as he rubbed Chester’s chest comfortingly. Chester was already feeling more relaxed with Mike there. Mike knew how to comfort him. How to make him feel better.

          “I’ll keep you safe,” Mike whispered as he pressed his lips to Chester’s temple. He was still rubbing circles on Chester’s chest with his hand. Chester sighed softly as Mike held him.

          “I’m sorry f-for waking y-you,” Chester managed.

          “Sssshhhh, it’s alright. You know I love you Chester,” Mike said softly as Chester cried. He knew Mike was upset.

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