Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Chester’s POV

          He was lying awake, staring at the ceiling. Mike was sleeping next to him. His face was pressed into his chest and Chester had been stroking his hair until he fell asleep. It had been a week since that incident in the bedroom and surprisingly, Chester felt like he was getting over it. But Mike wasn’t. It seemed like the roles were switched now. Chester was the one saving Mike from his terrifying dreams all the time. The one that would comfort him when he woke up. The one that was Mike’s rock now. It broke his heart when Mike woke up in tears and apologizing over and over again to him. But he let Mike cry on him and stayed strong for him even though it was hard. Chester wanted to break down and cry with him but he knew he had to be strong. So he stretched before returning his hand to Mike’s back and rubbing circles. He felt Mike shift next to him and a whimper escaped him. Mike was in so much emotional pain it wasn’t fair. His dreams involved him killing Chester in every possible way or Chester turning away from him. But Chester promised him he’d never leave him. Every night he said the same words to Mike to try and get him to settle down. Tonight would be no exception.

          “Oh…god….I’m so sorry,” Mike gasped as he rolled away from Chester in his sleep, “Chaz….no….I….”

          Chester reached over and pulled Mike to him, “Sshhh, Mikey, it’s ok.”

          Mike’s eyes shot open, “No please!”

          “Mike, Mike…..I’m here. Everything is alright. I swear I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re together.”

          “Oh god. Chazzy, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I did that. I’m so sorry Chester,” Mike whispered and Chester knew Mike was about to start getting upset again.

          “It’s over Mike. Nothing is going to come between us again. We’re together and that’s how it’ll stay. It’s all in the past now.”

          “No Chaz, it’s not. It’ll never be in the past. I can’t live like this,” Mike said and Chester closed his eyes.

          “You know I forgive you. You know I do. Focus on what we’re doing now. We’re going to get back to touring soon.”

          “I hurt you Chaz. I hurt you. What is wrong with me?” Mike asked through his tears.

          “Nothing,” Chester replied immediately, “Nothing is wrong with you Mike. You’re perfect. You’re beautiful. You’re my everything.”

          Mike sighed as Chester wrapped his arm around him and moved him closer to him. Chester was worried about Mike. He was afraid that one day he’d wake up and Mike will have gone and hurt himself. He couldn’t take that. He’d fall apart. So he pulled Mike closer to him. Mike rested his head on his chest and wrapped his arm around Chester’s waist. Chester looked down at Mike who was looking up at him. Chester had never seen Mike this broken, this upset. It was scary to Chester because for once he would have to be strong. No matter how much he wanted to break down and cry for Mike, he had to be the strong one.

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