Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Mike’s POV

          He laid next to Chester as they went to sleep that night. He knew Chester was still very nervous about tomorrow’s show. He held Chester close to him as he started to drift off. He saw the slow rise and fall of Chester’s chest and realized that Chester was already asleep. He was snuggled under the blankets with his glasses off for once. Mike slowly sat up to take in Chester’s little form. He had on a tighter t-shirt that didn’t make him look huge. His sweat pants were still big but they were covered by the blanket. His face looked so peaceful. Mike smiled slightly and leaned down to kiss him before resuming his position behind Chester. Tomorrow would be alright. They’d do it.

          He woke up the next morning with Chester still snuggled next to him. He gently shook Chester awake and the two of them climbed out of bed. Chester looked even more nervous than before. He stood in front of the mirror breathing slowly. Mike got dressed in his performance clothes and then made Chester get dressed as well. They headed down to the lobby to get some food. Brad and Rob were already there.

          “Are you guys ready?!” Brad asked with excitement. Rob grinned at the two of them.

          “Hell yea we are,” Mike said with a grin.

          “This is going to be so much fun,” Rob said with a smile. They sat down and ate with the other two. Dave and Joe joined them pretty soon and then they were all sitting together getting mentally prepared for their first concert. But that wasn’t everything for Mike. He was going to propose to Chester tonight. He had found the best spot to do it too. It was so perfect. But he had to do that after he performed the show. It was kind of scary. It was sinking in that he was about to ask Chester to spend the rest of his life with him. He wondered if Chester would even agree to it.

          They spent most of the day just hanging around. Mike noticed that Chester had barely eaten anything at all. He never seemed to sit still. He kept getting up and walking around. About three hours before the show, they headed down to the stage. Chester was listening to all of their music. Mike was tapping his foot on the ground and playing on his keyboard. Dave was talking with the other members of the group. Chester left the room and they heard him screaming outside the door. Mike grinned as he realized he was warming up for the show.

          He came back inside a minute later, “There it is.”

          Mike smiled at him, “You got it Chazzy.”

          A little later, Chester left the room again. By that time Mike knew that Dave was hardly able to contain himself.

          “So are you guys going to like keep your names or go with one?” Dave asked and Mike sighed.


          “Seriously Dave? We’re going to talk about this now?” Mike asked with a small smile.

          “Why not? It’s happening tonight so I want to know!” Dave said excitedly.

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