Chapter 1- First day

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-------------------Niall's POV-----------------

My palms are sweaty as I walk in through the double doors of the new high school i'll be attending. I take in my surroundings and I look around at unfamiliar faces. It's not like I have trouble making friends, I just don't like making the first move to initiate a conversation. I sigh deeply and run a hand through my hair as I miraculously find the front office to get my new schedule. 

I reach the front desk and stood there for a bit. The middle-aged looking woman that was there was a little bit too engrossed with filing her nails that she hadn't even noticed I walked in. I heard the bell ring and I turned around behind me and look through the glass door and see the students start rushing in to get to their classes. I need to get to class soon! 

I clear my throat slightly to try to get her attention and she looks at me with a slightly annoyed expression, "May I help you?" 

"Um, yes. My names Niall Horan, I'm a new student, and I'm here to pick up my schedule." 

She grinned widely. "Oh a new student, ayeee? Welcome, welcome." She chimed as she shuffled through some papers on her desk and handed me a yellow paper. Wow, her mood changes fast. 

"Thanks." I smiled at her then looked at the classes I would have to take. "Excuse me, but can you tell me where Mr. Tomlinsons class is at?" 

"Aha. Let's see here.. " She pushed her glasses up then looked at the computer. She looked up and her eyes double took to a girl that walked by and she immediately called her over. "Oh, Demi, Demi! This is a Niall Horan, he just started today."  The girl, Demi, walked over and smiled at me. She was a pretty one. She had long brown hair and kind eyes.

"Oh hoho, fresh meat." She smiled from ear to ear. "Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure is all mine, but i'm actually a senior." 

"Oh silly, I mean fresh meat to the school." she said with a wave of her hand as her and the front office woman shared a couple chuckles from her joke that I didn't quite seem to get. 

But before I could ask, the front office lady told Demi if she would be kind enough to escort me to my classes. I may be smart, but I have no sense of direction what so ever. Demi seems really nice and witty though, maybe i've made my first friend. 

"So, what class do you have first?" She asked as we walked down the hall way.

"Drama, with Mr-"

"Ahhhh, Mr. Tomlinson! You're in my class." she smiled at me and lightly slapped my back, "what other classes do you have, can I see your schedule?" 

I unfolded it and handed it to her, "Sure." She looked it over then handed it back to me.

"We have four classes together and lunch. Woohoo!"

"That's brilliant! What classes?" I asked a little bit too enthusiastically. Four out of six isn't so bad at all. At least i'll know someone, and that just brings my mood up so much more.

"We have Drama, gym, English, and Chem together. Aha, heres the class. Room 317."  she said as she opened the door and we walked in.  The chatter that was going around the room stopped almost simultaneously and all eyes were on me. My nerves shot up as my eyes shifted from student to student as I smiled nervously. 

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" Said the man who was standing in front of the class. I'm assuming he's the teacher, but whoa does he look young. He has brown hair thats swept and styled to the side and he has black square rimmed glasses. He's pretty attractive actually.

"I'm -" i began to say.

"This is Niall Horan!" Demi interrupted.

"Thanks.." I whispered to her sarcastically. She did an "Okay" sign with her hand and mouthed 'Your welcome' to me.

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