Chapter 11- Manifesting feelings

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-----Nialls POV-----

I gaze out the window and I watch as the soft white snowflakes fall gently on the ground. He's expecting me to be at the park in about five minutes.

If he actually thinks i'm going to show up, he must be on something. HA, i'm not gonna fall for that. If  I go i'll be walking straight to my own demise. He probably has some evil plan to humiliate me, i'm not going. Nope. Nonononono. Heeeell no.  

I slouch against the window and lean my head against it. Though.. I do wonder how long he'll wait.... I bet he'll just get angry if i'm not there within the first five minutes and just storm off. Or he'll come over.. OHGOD I hope not. He'll probably concocted some worse plan to ruin my life since this sad attempt didn't work.. HA.

Why am I psyching myself up over this? I have this lovely flat all to myself for the next two and half weeks! This is what I wanted, right? 

I bang my head against the window and clench my eyes tightly at my own stupidity. Why didn't I go to Mulligar with my Mum?!


Ohright, cause I had this thought that I would be absolutely sad over there and ruin everyone's time with my sulking. Jesus.. I wish I would have went. It's worse at night though.. just knowing that no one is here in the house and i'm just there alone in the darkness. I'm alone with my mind. My own dark thoughts just drowning me and keeping me awake.. and-GAH.

I need to see the positive in this, get out of my mind before I spiral into a deep depression. 

I grip the blanket around my shoulders tighter around me and jump on the couch. I fling one side of the blanket behind me like it's a cape and I purse my lips out.  "That's right, I...Sir James.." I look around the silent empty flat for dramatic effect. Then jump like a mad man a couple times before running to the other side of the couch and jumping over to the love seat across it. I place my  hands on my hips, throwing my head back and bellowing out the lyrics. "WANT TO SAVE YOU... WANT TO SAVE YOUR HEART TOOOOONIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT." 

 -----Zialls POV------

Oh he's dead. He is so dead. I'm going to murder him myself. I pull out my phone and read the time, 6:35. Maybe.. he's still getting ready or something. I'll wait a little longer. 

Little twat, this isn't going as I imagined it would..

I cup my hands around my mouth and blow slowly before rubbing them together and stuffing them in my pockets. I pull up my jacket up around my ears and I hear my teeth rattle slightly.

The sun is setting and I hear the laughter of children playing in the park grow dim. 

Just a little longer..

--------Nialls POV-------

I step out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist and make my way over to the kitchen. I lean against the counter and I feel the cool smooth surface of it against my lower back. What should I eat tonight?

My eyes wander over to the clock above the oven: 7:00.

...There's no way he'd still be waiting..right?

Whatever.. I'm feeling waffles toniiiight. I fling the waffles into the toaster and patiently wait.

I sit down at the table and I drown them in Aunt Jemima syrup as my tongue runs over my upper lip. "Ohyes Aunt Jemima, I will have your syrup." I grab the knife and fork as I lick my lips at the sight of my prey. 

As I bring the fork to my lips my eyes land on a cat-clock above my dining room table. It's tail sways every second and eyes flick back and forth. It's like it's mocking me..pestering me..

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