Chapter 20- Insecurity

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Zayn hummed into the kiss before he separated from me. "I have to go to class Niall..LEMME GOOO" I grabbed both sides of his jacket and giggled as I brought him back into a smothering kiss. When I tried to deepen it he pulled away and kissed my forehead before running down the hall waving his hand behind him.

I groaned as I turned around to see Mr.Tomlinson with his eyebrows up leaning against the door frame.. how long has he been standing there!?

"Get inside the room Niall.” I could tell he was trying to refrain from smiling and I blushed as I walked quickly inside and to my seat. I sank down and ran my hands through my hair with a sigh.

“WELL. Things were getting hot and heavy out there.” Demi giggled as she turned toward me with a coy smile.

“No it wasn’t!” I mumbled with a frown.

“Actually it was, you attracted quite an audience o' blond one.” Harry snickered as he sat on the other side of me. “I was one of them.”

“GOSH.. what's so fascinating about two guys kissing.”  I huffed as I crossed my arms.

"Absolutely nothing, we just live in a world where two guys kissing is frowned upon." Harry shrugged.

We turned when we heard Demi snort,"Umm.. no. We live in a society where a teacher student relationship is frowned upon." 

"Come again?" Harry frowned and leaned a bit in his chair, almost in a threatening way.

Demi lifted her hand up, "Noo, thanks."

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing.

"What?" Harry frowned in confusion and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be daft, Harry."

“Whatever, moving on... Have you two done anything yet?” Harry's eyebrows quirked up.

“Umm.. What do you mean?” I smile faded as I shifted in my seat as I looked from Demi and Back to Harry.

“Oh. I dunno. Like oral, hand jobs, seeeex?” My face turned a deeper shade of red with each word.

“What?! No!”

Harry's eyes widened.“Well what are you waiting for? You want him to stay with you, don’t you? A Boy has his needs y'know. "

"We are..just kinda taking it slow."

"Ha!! That won't do. Have you MET Zayn? I'm not saying have sex him but at least get him off with your hands or something." He rolled his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Thought you should know this, but some relationships doesn't revolve around getting each other off.” I said louder than I meant to. The class seemed quite, eyes on me. And through the corner of my eyes I saw Harry’s shocked expression, could even come off as sad as he turned around. I looked forward to see Mr. Tommo’s frown and even Demi was avoiding my gaze, shaking her head slowly. I never thought i’d get that kind of reaction out of him..It sounded less harsh in my head.

I sighed and closed my eyes as I sank in my seat even more, imagined that  I shrunk until I was nothing but a spec of dust that got carried in the wind.

It seemed like most of my day just went by in a blurr and when I came back to my senses, I was sitting at a table in the cafeteria and a hand was being waved in front of my face. I flinched and turned toward Zayn, whose eyes were wide with annoyance.

“Hello! Earth to Niall. What's wrong with you babe?” Zayn frowned at me and his bottom lip was protruding slightly  as he studied my face.

“What do you mean?” I shrugged and tore my gaze from his, trying to control my blush as the images flooded my head.

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