Chapter 25- It All Comes Out In The Wash

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Hey's been a bit over a year since I last updated and I know a lot of you have stopped reading this story. I just started to nitpick at a lot of things, like the fact that I absolutely hate writing in first person and the majority of my chapters were first person. I don't like how I started the book and how horrible my writing was and I still have a lot to work on but it is NOTHING like how it used to be. Maybe it is cause I haven't written in so long though...ha. But, coming into the fandom I was really into Ziall and thought they were soooo cute. Then I started to get into Larry and man did I get into Larry, I fell hard and just lost a lot of motivation for this book. But I understand how upsetting it is to have a book you just love reading and then you look at the last time they updated and go...WTF. It's heart breaking. Even though its hard to believe that there are a lot of people that do enjoy reading this story, there is a rare species of human out there that do in fact enjoy You Don't Have A Clue. And I had a hard time doing the next chapter because I wanted it to be long and detailed and amazing because you guys waited for so long, but the truth is I'll start writing it then get side tracked then won't start writing it again for a few months. I can't tell you guys how many times this has happened to me. But I am going to try to update, although they will be small chapters its still progress and its something right? But this is for Sherrio_Freak who private messaged me and straight out demanded that I updated and kinda gave me that kick in the butt to update to those who truly like this story. Thooough it still took a while, it helped. Alright, so I apologize if this next chapter comes as a disappointment but without further-a-doo here is the much delayed chapter of You Don't Have A Clue. 




Zayn wakes up on the kitchen floor, leaning against a cabinet with a empty bottle of tequila clutched to his chest. He groans at the light that shines in his face and the pounding headache he's acquired. He looks around and sees random people laying about, espcially the girl spewn across his lap and he hopes he didn't do anything with her last night. Pretty sure he didn't, reminded by the way he acted with the pixie haired girl but he can't find any fucks to give about it by this point. 

He moves the girl none too lightly off of him and she whines before curling into a ball beside him, his back is in pain from the way he slept and he gingerly gets up from the floor and goes in search for Harry.

"For fucks sake.." Zayn rolls his eyes as he finds his articles of clothing before he finds Harry, picking them up on the way to the back of the house. He's laying faced down beside the pool with his arm in the water and Zayn walks up to him and nudges his foot against his hip. "Wake up, before I push you into the pool."

Harry groans and lifts his head up, blinking at the harsh light. He feels the sun on his back and he wavers as he pushes himself up and grabs his clothes from Zayn with a grunt of appreciation. 

"I miss Louis." Harry murmurs once they're in Zayns car, "I still hate him for what he said and that he defended Niall but I miss him." 

"Don't fucking speak his name in front of me again, Harry. If you miss your precious Louis so much then just go talk to him." The bradford boy huffed, clutching the steering wheel tighter. It feels like his heart clenches painfully in his chest.


While Zayn in Harry wallow in their ignorant world, Liam and Demi are on a mission to find the truth of what happened that night. They just can't sit and wait around, watching their best friends world crash around them. Although, Liam still wants Zayn to suffer from what he did he can't just watch Niall suffer for other peoples mistakes. 

Liam has a lot of influence from his family, since they work in the medical field. He may not be as wealthy or powerful as the Maliks, but he certaintly does have a lot of power himself. Aka- money. He knows people and he knows how to get information from people, sometimes all you need is a little investigating and a little force to get what you want.

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