Chapter 18- The Meadow

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My chest is heaving up and down as sweat drips down my body. My heart speeds up and I wipe the sweat from my forehead and I groan as I continue to ride..
The bike.

"NIALL... are we almost there yet?!" I whine as I struggle to move my feet and peddle along side with him.

"Zayn.. this is all your plan. It's your date." Niall laughs as he speeds up and rides the bike around me before peddling right in front of me.. fucking tease.

"It's our date.. thank you very much." I see the opening from the forest to my destination, "OHHHH, there it is." A rush of adrenaline surges through me and I bike past Niall through the opening. I swing one leg over the bike and push it down as I roll on the floor. "My legs feel like they're going to fall off."

"Zayn.. we've been riding the bikes for five minutes." Niall blinks down at me as he outstretches his hand and I take it. "So what are we doing now?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Are you hungry?"

His eyes widened, "I'm starving."

I chuckle and grab his hand as we walk to the middle of the meadow. It's vast and empty with the smell of freshly cut grass and small patches of white, yellow, and purple wildflowers tangled in them. I feel as if Niall and I are the only ones in the world and with him holding my hand.. I just feel complete. Like nothing can break me down.

I help Niall take off the Canvas Knapsack and I unzip it and pull out a blue plaid blanket. He helps me set it down and find rocks to put on the corners because it was getting pretty windy.
He sits on the blanket with his legs crossed in front of me and he licks his lips.

"Alriiight. So... I brought some sandwiches.." I pull out the container and set it down, he instantly grabs it and rips the cover off and I yank it from his hands. "Patience, Nialler." He pouts and brings his knees to his chest as he hugs them and eyes the sandwiches. "Wo-would you pay attention." I chuckle out.

"I brought some..sodas..and...drum roll please." Niall smiles and starts to slap his thighs repeatedly. I dramatically pull out two containers "Strawberries with some melted chocolateee."

"Can we skip the sandwiches and go straight to the strawberries." his eyes burned holes in the containers.

I shut my eyes and upturned my head. " No. desserts are la-" I tensed when I felt a weight on my lap and I opened them to Niall settling himself there with innocent eyes and a coy smile. I swallowed the lump in my throat and never tore my eyes away from his face. He easily took the container from my hand and popped it open before doing the same to the melted chocolate. I bit my lip as he carefully stuck his tongue out in concentration and dipped the strawberry in the chocolate. He's so fucking adorable. This position is amazing and frustrating.. there's a Niall sitting on my lap being cute and I wanna enjoy it but it’s.. very intimate and half my attention is on keeping this erection down.
He brought it to my lips and I ate it as sensually as I possibly could as I kept my eyes locked on his. I saw his adam's apple bob up and down and I grabbed the containers and did the same. I brought it to his lips and he fluttered his eyes shut and I rubbed the chocolate on his upper lip and some on his jaw.
"ZAYNNN! " He whined and grabbed my wrists. "You ruined the moment!" He crossed his arms and pouted like a child.
"Did I really? " I smirked and unravled his arms and draped them around my neck, I placed open mouth kisses down his jaw and likced the chocolate off. A shiver went down his back and he let out a shaky sigh as he pressed himself close to me.

Wow.. did I do that?

I don’t know but I just got harder.
I moved my way up and rubbed my nose to his..I I dipped my head in and -
He pushed me away and wiped away at his upper lip.
“What now?!” I frowned at the rejection. SECOND time he’s pushed me away when I went to make a move.
“Did you hear that?” His eyes wide with fear. I looked around the meadow and tried to see if I could see anything through the trees but I saw nothing.

“Babe it’s probably just the wind. That tends to happen a lot.” I chuckled and rubbed his shoulders up and down to try to soothe him. “C’mon.” I laid down on the blanket and pulled him along with me. We stared up at the orange-pink and he curled into my side and rested his head on my chest. "This is ni- DID YOU HEAR IT THEN?!"

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