Chapter 7- Light bulb

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-------Zayns POV--------

~*~ 1 week later ~*~

"I get him jumped. I threaten him. I get the whole school to go against him and throw food at him. No one.. no one talks to him but that Lovato chick. Hell, I even have someone that ruins his locker everyday. And. He. Is. Still. Here." I seethed.

"Great perserverance that one has." Harry grinned as he practiced piano. Everyone was gathered in Zayns room. 

I quirked an eyebrow up.

I can't deny it, I do admire his determination. It's kinda cu-

Wait.. WHAT. No it's not. 

What the hell is wrong with me!

"Usually, they would have been long gone by now. Switched schools or moved  to another city." Harry continued. 

Light bulb went off in my head.

I clapped my hands and threw my head back with a laugh. "I know why he stays." 

"Hmm?" Harry asked as he stopped the playing.

"He's gay. He's a masochist. And he totally wants me." I smiled and leaned back on the piano.

"What?" Liam piped up from behind the couch.

Harry looked back and forth from between me and Liam and played the notes from Beethoven's 5th symphony. Dun Dun Dun Dun.

"And what would make you come up with that idea?" Liam frowned slightly and tilted his head.

Dun Dun Dun Dun.

"Well, it's only obvious. Why else would he stay. I would catch him staring at me in gym and in the cafeteria. He's a faggot." I retorted as I crossed my arms.


"Yeah? Maybe he was only staring because he was trying to make sure you weren't up to something. I mean, your only hobby lately is to ruin his life ." Liam snapped.


"WOULD YOU STOP." Liam and Zayn yelled in unison. Harry chucked and threw his arms up in defense.

Liam chuckled bitterly, "I have no idea where you come up with this stuff. But what in the world do you hope to accomplish with him "supposedly" wanting you?"

"Ha! So you you're saying he's not gay?" 

"You didn't even answer my question!" Liam exclaimed.

"Answer mine." I growled.

"No. No I don't."

"Well. We're just going to have to put him in a situation where everyone will know he's gay. And I know just what to do." My lips curled up to a smile.

"You just don't know when to quit." Liam shook his head slowly. 

"Pfft, I'm Zayn Malik. And you, if you know whats good for you, you won't get in the middle of it." I threatened.

Liam said nothing, but gave me this intense glare. I glared right back with the same or even more intensity. 


"Really, mate?" Liam raised an eyebrow at Harry.

"It was getting awkward." Harry smiled sheepishly.




Here you go guys! Chapter seveeeen. Sorry it's short, I'll try to make the next one longer.

I suck at naming chapters, dear lord. I hope you like it though.

 Vote/Comment Please! 

Catori xx

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