Chapter 14- Taken

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"Hey, Mum." I slouched over to her and kissed her cheek as I try to pass her in the hallway. A heavy cloud of depression looming over my head.

"What's got you so down, love? You've been all googly eye'd and happy as can be these last couple of days i've been here. " My Mom nit-picked at my clothes and I softly brushed her hand away.

"Nothing. Just hate school." I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me before I leaned over the sink and hung my head.

What if Zayn treats me differently.. now that we're going back to school. What if he treats me the same as before? I honestly don't think I could handle it this time. Jesus..please don't let him act the same. Just merely ignoring me in the hallways would be painful.

This winter break.. has been the best i've ever had. Zayn and I practically spent every day first I was annoyed and then it was routine and now it's like.. it feels weird if I don't see him for more than two days. I hate to say I even feel a tad bit sad..lonely If I don't. I'd never let him know that. After he helped me get better he would use it as an excuse to come and see me to make sure I was okay. When he found out that my mom was in mulligar and she wouldn't be coming back for two weeks, i've never seen someone so happy. He used THAT as an excuse, saying I need "Daily human interaction" Pshh. We'd do simple things.. like talk and he would take me out to eat or we would even make meals together. We went sledding and had snow ball fights outside. My favorite moments with him is when he would spend the night and we'd cuddle up on the couch and we'd watch movies together until we fell asleep in each others arms.  I smiled at the memory of me putting snow down his back one morning when he wouldn't wake up, HA..He was SO pissed.

The best part of it all.. is that he wouldn't pressure me into doing anything. It's also the most FRUSTRATING part. Though, he did try to kiss me once. But he had nutella on his upper lip and I turned away and laughed. I think his ego was hurt, cause he hasn't tried since then. There are moments where I have to calm myself down and remind myself that this could all be just a joke to him. He'll sit there and text while he's with me and he'd go to parties on weekends and I don't say anything. I don't want to sound like some jealous girlfriend.

Yeah, there's another problem. He hasn't even asked me out. When the thought first came into my head I laughed at myself for a long one of those laughs where your doubled over and your stomach starts to hurt. I mean cause COME ON. Me?! With..with THAT. Noooo. Then I would venture out to this little black cage in the darkest part of my mind where I keep things I don't want to remember and BOOM, the moment where I kissed him pops up and I cringe and repeat WHY to myself. But,, i'm kinda hoping to get asked that question.

I run my hands through my hair and pull at the ends of it as I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. Okay.. lets get this day over with.


I walk in the locker room in 3rd period late and I see Zayn is the only one in there. I stop in my tracks as I take in his form. He's leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed and his jaw is clenched as his eyes bore into mine. My nerves spike up as I walk over to my locker. "H-Hey Zayn." 

In three quick steps he's by me and he takes hold of my shirt as he slams me in the locker and his face inches toward mine. My emotions are going wild and my hearts going 200 mph. "Z-Zayn?" I choke out.

He chuckles and put me down before ruffling my hair. "I'm just fucking with ya." 

I stare at him for a while in complete disbelief. What. An. Ass. I take back everything I said.

He doubles over at my puzzled face and laughs uncontrollably hard.  I feel my face go red in anger and embarrassment as I chuck my backpack at him. "FUCKER. THAT WASN'T FUNNY."  He lays down on a bench as some chuckles fall from his lips. I walked beside him to yell at him some more but he pulls me on top of him and he wraps his arms around my torso.

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