Chapter 19- Contentment

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Ask me properly." I smiled as I pecked his lips.

Will a roll of his eyes he kissed my nose before leaning his forehead on mine. "Niall James Horan, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes. I. Will." I murmured in between kisses. "And If I were to die right here in these woods tonight, I'm glad it's with you."

Zayn chuckled as he grabbed my waist and lifted me up so I was standing. He stood up himself and draped an arm around my shoulder. "Alright boys! You can come out now."

About ten of Zayns guards came out behind trees and Harry came out smiling like a mad man holding a cam recorder up to his face.

My smile dropped and I felt my knees turn to jello as my eyes went wide with fear and dread.

"Did you get all of it?" Zayn asked Paul and he nodded.

I looked from face to face trying to make sense of it all and there were no looks of malice on anyones face, just laughing and bantering.

"Alright, now lay a big wet one on em" Harry snickered in a Australian accent as he brought the camera up to my face.

I slapped it out of his hands and it landed in the dirt next to us,"YOU'RE ALL CUNTS." I started walking the opposite direction and Zayn laughed and grabbed my upper arm. " Babeee, it's for memories! Anyway, did you really expect me to be in the middle of the woods without protection? HA."

"I'm going home."

Out of the depths of the forest we all heard a growling noise and the guards all took their guns out and pointed it in the direction they came from.

"HAHA. Very funny guys. Jokes over, lets go home." I crossed my arms and looked at the confusion screwed on Zayns and Harrys faces.

"We need to go." Paul said as he started backing up as the growing got louder.


Zayn turned and ran toward the opening of the forest to reach the field. "Fuck this!!" With Harry right on his tail. Paul threw me over his shoulder and started running as well, "GOGOGO."


"Well that was exciting."I  grumbled out sarcastically as I started to crawl on Zayns bed. I felt him grab the waistband of the back of my trousers and pull me back at the end of the bed. He flipped me around and started to unbutton my trousers and tug them down slowly.

"Can't go to bed with these clothes on. Lets get you comfortable." I blushed as I looked up at him but quickly regained my composure.

"You don't have to man handle me, I could have done it myself." I snapped.

I gasped when he grabbed the back of my knees and dragged me closer to him, so our groins were dangerously close. He settled himself between my legs and leaned over so our chest was touching, as well as our members and I tried with all my will not to go mad.

"Was it that bad?" His warm breathed hit my neck softly and I felt my face burn with embarrassment and arousal.

"N-no..There was some good things that happened." I stuttered and mentally cursed myself for it. Zayn chuckled and rested his forearms beside my  head as he stared into my eyes with a coy smile playing on his lips.

I leaned up and pecked his lips shyly and his smile widened. "I actually thought you were mad at me.." He  whispered as he leaned his forehead on my own with a relieved sigh.

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"I saw how scared you looked with Harry came out behind the trees with a camera. I could never do that to you, you know. I would never want to lose you like when you mean so much to me."

I feel my chest burst and I wrapped my arms around him in a haste and crushed my lips to his. He automatically groaned and wrapped one arm around my waist. I tightened my legs around his waist and he shuffled his way with me up to the top of his bed without breaking the kiss. He dropped me on the pillows and I bit my lip as he sat up on his knees and pulled his shirt over his head.

Jesus, this is what i've been missing out on. Why did we wait again?

“Okay, now this is exciting.” I practically purred out.

 “shut up.” He chuckled 

He climbed on top of me and brought his lips back to mine. He licked my bottom lip and I closed my lips in a tight line and he grunted in frustration. He  slipped his hands under my shirt and slid them to my sides, a look of dread surpassed my face as he  curled his hands and wiggled his fingers. I brought my hand to cover my mouth and giggled uncontrollably as I tried to pry his hands away with my other hand. 

Zayn tickled higher right under my ribs and with a gasp I brought both my hands down and grabbed them. He  took this chance and captured his lips to mine and slid his tongue easily in my mouth. It was slow at first, exploring each others mouths with the constant small moans that escaped. It was the type of kiss that leaves you breathless because of the feeling it left you with. 

Feeling is cool hands explore my torso and my own running up his defined muscles, I wanted this moment to last forever. We explored each others bodies and left multiple love bites on each other, claiming him as mine and vice versa. Our half hard members pressing on each others thighs, but neither of us want to ruin this moment and venture out further, because everything is perfect just as it is. Soon we went back to kissing lazily and slowly before cuddling lovingly in each others arms, exhausted and content.




So short. So horrible. IDEK WHAT TO NAME IT.. But i'm so lazy. And it's been what, over two weeks? My lifes been going downhill and i'm terrible. :c What do you guys care? ALL YOU WANT IS UPDATES. Jk, I hope you liked it even though it succccckkkedd.

I got the idea for this chapter from @ZiallerLarry With the whole ploy to get Niall in Zayns arms, so thanks so much. (: That idea was much better than mine.

I was going to jump right into the climax, but you guys deserve a bunch of fluff (maybe a wee bit of smut?) before that, don't you agree? And LONGER CHAPTERS.

Love you guys.. STILL MINDBLOWN ABOUT THE ALMOST 31K READS. WOAH. Kinda crazy thinking about it (:

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