Chapter 22- Distraught

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Dedicated to LovinMissLovato because her comments make me smile <3


This will be switching povs quite oftenly and will turn into 3rd person later on in the chappy, hope you’re not confused.  xx



“Hey.. wrong with-” Liam starts to ask me, I cut him off right away as I walk towards the stairs that leads to the school.

“Have you seen Niall?” I bore my eyes into Demi’s eyes who seems confused, but I know she’s playing dumb. I just know it.

She furrows her eyebrows and runs a hand through her hair. “N-no. Why? What happen-”

“DON’T FUCKING LIE TO ME.” My voice booms and some freshman's that were walking by jump and pick up their speed.

“I swear I don’t...I don’t-” She looks scared and at a loss for words at my outburst.

Liam stands in front of her with his arms crossed. “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you, but you have no right to yell at her. She said she doesn’t know.”

I still don’t believe her, but I run both hands through my unstyled hair before placing them over my face with a groan, “Sorry.”

“What's wrong?” Liams sits near Demi and pats a the space beside him.

I ignore his gesture and chew my lip before looking back into his eyes, “I think I’m in too deep.”

“Wait, what?” Liam looks gobsmacked and I sighed.

“I just.. I’ve texted him like 15 times today and called him 20 times and he won’t respond... Fucking hell, I even went to his house. He wasn’t there and fear and worry bubbled in me and I feel absolutely sick. Then I realized that I’ve never.. been this into someone like this before. I wouldn’t care as much if it was in any of my past relationships.” I take out my phone and look at it for the hundredth time this day. I don’t want to sound like a girl, but I just can’t help to know where he is and damn.. he’s never went to sleep without calling me and talking on the phone until he fell asleep. He didn’t even send me a goodnight text. I know somethings wrong. And I called fucking Casey and she didn’t pick up the bloody phone.”

“whoa, Zayn are you say you’re in lo-”

“Don’t say it, It still tweaks me out. But yeah.. I think so.”

Before Liam could get another word through, Demi’s phone rings and I felt my blood run cold.


I bit my lip until a familiar metallic taste caresses my taste buds as the phone rings.

“Niall?” Her voice shakes.

“H-hey Demi.”

“Thank god, Zayn was having a bitch fit.” Niall hears the phone being moved around and yelling.


“Can you.. can you just talk to Za-”

“NO. Demi.. please. I... I’ll be there by Lunch, I promise. Just please, not matter w-what happens, please believe me.” I felt panic rise up in me. I refuse to cry, I had no reason to. I didn’t do anything last night, I couldn’t have.

“I’ll always believe in you Niall, always.” Demi whispers genuinely into the phone.

With a shaky breath I hang up the phone.

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