51.| Lets Talk About It

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Keith Powers

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Keith Powers

A bad storm hit the city and knocked out all the lights, so candle light lit up our bedroom. Kiara finally wanted to sleep in her own bed so that meant me and April would finally get some alone time. I've been back home for about 4 Days now. Not much has been said but I'm just glad to be back around her. I'm glad we're not mad at each other, cause I really hate that.

Since we can't watch TV or anything, I thought now would be the perfect time for us to get everything off our chest. The longer we ignore this, the harder things will become. I just want to clear the air so that we can continue on with our marriage. It's time to be happy. There has been enough pain to last us a lifetime.

I never want to see her toss her ring away again like it's nothing. We gotta fix these issues, talk about our pain, then live our best lives like we were before all the nonsense. I sat with my back up against the headboard and she laid in between my legs with a pillow supporting her back.

Most of the night was spent in silence while we both scrolled through our phones. Locking mine I tossed it to the side. I pulled hers out her hand then put it next to mine. Furrowing her eyebrows she turned to face me.

"What you do that for?" She asked

I smiled. "I thought now would be the perfect time for us to finally talk."

Staring at me for a while she chewed on her bottom lip. "......Okay." She rested back on my chest then started picking at the ends of my basketball shorts. "What you wanna talk about?"

"Us and everything that's been happening."


Silence fell again, neither of us knowing where to start. After thinking for a while I decided to finally speak up. "If you could use one word to describe how you feel, what would it be?"

April sighed. "Robbed."

I nodded. "Yeah. It's like I brought this bad energy into our lives and it has just ruined everything."

"You can't blame yourself because she's a dumbass. Her karma will take care of her. You never win playing dirty."

"But I still feel like if I would've told you to pull over none of this would be happening."

"Keith, things happen for a reason. I wish it didn't but it does. Like you said it's time to get over it."

Closing my eyes, I exhaled. "I didn't mean it like that. I was just so mad that night, things came out the wrong way. You'll never just get over losing your children."

"And I didn't mean that I wanted you to chose between me and Kiara. I would never make you do that. Any woman that ever makes a man chose between her and his child is lowest of the low. All I wanted was for you to just check up on me, let me know that I could still cry on your shoulder when I needed to. I felt like after that happened, you closed yourself off from me and I don't know why."

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