Chapter Thirteen - Guns

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Song of the chapter - Dangerous by Left Boy


Night is about to fall on Alexandria and Maggie has been trying to do figure out a way to get down to everyone else but, there isn't any way unless we run. Well, with my leg, I can't. "There has to be a way." I said and looked down at the walkers. "You can't run with your leg Blair. I won't allow it and either would Carl I'm sure." She said and I knew she was right.

Carl wouldn't even allow me out of his sight if he saw the state I was in. I was physically and emotionally hurt by everything that had happened today. I wanted it to be over. I don't know how it could get any worse. What if I draw the walkers away from this bit, well at least some of them. As dumb as walkers are, I'm sure some would go for me and some would stay.

"Maggie what if I draw them away?" I asked her and she immediately shook her head. I mean, I knew she was gonna do that anyway. It's Maggie for god sakes. "Absolutely not Blair!" She yelled at me and I fought back. "Maggie I can't stay up here while Carl is down there with a rapist, I need to warn all of them... wouldn't you do the same?" I asked her and she sighed.

I seen the tears build up in her brown eyes and I didn't know what was wrong with her. Ever since I've known Maggie she's gotten more and more stuck to me, it's like she's scared to lose me. I'm the same, I would want nothing to happen to her whatsoever. She's done a lot for me.

"What's wrong?" "Glenn went on a run earlier and he isn't back. I just... I needed him to know, I needed him to understand that I need him right now..." She trailed on as she stared at the distance where more walkers made their way in. Me and Maggie were doomed if we didn't do anything.

"I know you've done a lot for me Blair but I'm so scared to lose you." She cried as she looked over to me. I stared into her hazel eyes and she didn't hold her sobs back no matter what. It's like this whole world was crashing down on her. It was crashing down on everyone right now.

"What didn't you tell Glenn, Maggie?" I asked her and she sighed, breathing in sharp. I knew there was something important but she couldn't bring herself to speak, it's like she was so scared that someone would hurt her if she had said what she needed to say. "I... I'm pregnant." She sobbed out and I felt my heart stop.

If someone had happened to Glenn, Maggie would of never told him the news, possible good possible bad. But in this world, bringing up a child, a baby, is always bad news. It wasn't a good thing. But right now, I felt heartbroken for Maggie because anything could happen to her and her unborn child.

"Oh, Maggie." I said and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, pulling her in for a nice tight hug. This was what Maggie needed right now. Me and maybe Glenn too but no one knew where he was. I knew he was out with Nicolas but not sure where. Last I saw was him and Nicolas fight.

Maggie instantly wrapped her arms around my waist and sniffed into my neck, her hiccups were unstoppable and I didn't blame her. I was as broken as her right now. I didn't know what was good, what was bad right now. Ron trying to force himself onto me, hurt, a lot. Memories of everyone my dad has done, flashed back to me in a matter of seconds.

I pulled away from Maggie as she still cried and held her cheeks, Between my hands. "Listen to me." I started and she nodded as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I will not and I mean, will not! Let a thing happen to you, ever. This child is gonna be loved like no other child has before. Right now. I'm gonna save us both, okay?" I said and she nodded again.

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