Chapter 1: Spotlight

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He woke up staring at the ceiling, nothing but a blank expression in his face and a head full with endless regrets... the flashes of that night tormenting him.

The phone rang.

"Get the fuck up Martinez we need to get to work"

"Higgs, next time you talk to me like that again you'll have a bullet in between your eyebrows".

"Whatever just get up" the call ended after that

Ivan got dressed pretty quick, his room was a mess but he couldn't care less, the girl sleeping on the other side of the bed Mackenzie, was a girl with what with whom he was hooking up for the past few months... Even though being realistic he hated it

He hated the fact whenever he woke up, she was there... sleeping, he hated that she had to be there. Ivan wanted to be alone, he deserved to be alone...

Companionship was supposed to be about protecting each other but there was no point of company if you're the one that hurts them

"Are you leaving already?"


"Stay with me Ivan, just five minutes "

"What's gotten into you? Stop acting as if we were together "

"You know what? I'm sick of your bullshit! Why can't you love me?!"

"Don't come at me with that bullshit Mack, if you are so tired of me just get the fuck out. I don't need you "

Before Mackenzie could say anything Ivan smashed the door closed

"Well look who decided to show up!"

"Stop getting your nose in my business and tell me what we're doing"

"Chill Ivan, we have it easy today. It's just a robbery. You hop on the van, get in and we take the money home"

He waited... listening to the traffic of the LA city, feeling his breath hit the mouthwash he was wearing; his senses sharpened and then he heard it... the heavy wheels of the van crossing the bridge underneath him, he jumped, falling flatly on both feet.

He took a step.




Ivan saw the glass and immediately pulled out the gun and shot once. He stepped again and again on the broken glass until it all fell inside the van

"I'm going in..." he slowly went down, lucky there was no one so he just had to wait

Once the robbery was done, everyone was satisfied with themselves but not Ivan, he didn't felt bad for what he did but he didn't feel good either... he simply didn't feel anything

Ivan sat at the back of the van, laughing at the excitement of everyone, the were like kids in a candy shop, he got it. But it was immature in his opinion...

They decided to go clubbing because they were determined for him to feel good, excited. Anything other than the constant emptiness they all knew he felt

The music blasted all around the building... the smell of alcohol and sweat filled the air, he saw as his friends down the shots as water and hollered for more like wolves howling to the moon eager for fresh meat

He downed one shot due to Ruben's request "Bianca go give my boy a nice time" the girl with a tight skirt and a crop top, she guided him through the crowd and started dancing seductively, rubbing her voluptuous body against his.

His hands traced her figure, smelled her perfume. Ivan couldn't help but feel aroused by the girl and she knew that "I'm gonna grab a drink..." he nodded and let go of her waist.

Anxiously she waited for the so called Bianca girl to come back while he studied the room, the people walking and dancing around him... he couldn't help it, he was trained for that... to see what other people didn't.

Just then... he spotted her.

Wavy black hair, green eyes... but it wasn't her appearance that caught his attention, but her attitude.

How she saw the people around her and scrounged away from people that she sensed too close, the way she pulled her cleavage higher trying to make it less seductive, this was definitely not her element and she didn't try to hide it. She felt awkward in her own skin.

Before he actually realized, he was in front of her and she stared at him right in the eye without hesitation "What are you doing here?"

"That's the same thing I've been asking myself all night long" her voice was cautious, and he couldn't help but grin at her comment

"Do you have a name?"

"Pretty sure I have a birth certificate so yes, I do have a name" he sat in the chair next to her, leaning his elbow against it, his eyes never leaving the mysterious girl

"Call me Ivan" the girl turned to him, face to face the boy was even more attractive, the messy blonde hair, light blue eyes sparkling with darkness, fleshy lips and a strange, distinctive black tattoo adorned his cheek.

There was something sinister about it... she could feel it, her instincts, something inside her told her she should leave, that there was something wrong with this... she should leave. Right now.

But instead she leaned forward the boy in front of her and said...

"I'm Eve"

If only she knew what she was getting into...

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