Chapter 14: Denial

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"Please don't!" The woman begged sobbing as a man pointed at her daughters head with his revolver

"If you don't want to mob your daughter's blood off of the floor you might as well pay us what your husband owns" he stated as the little girl began to cry silently, looking over at her mother asking for help

"I don't know anything about that debt, please! My husband will be here any minute just don't hurt my baby..." she sobbed.

"You should know by now that's not how we work. If you don't want us to take the kid, fine" the man pushed the girl onto the floor strongly, the impact relying on her right arm, Genevieve couldn't help but cry in pain.

"Let's go" the hitman groaned stepping closer to the mother, dragging her by the hair, instinctively, the mother screamed for mercy as she fought as hard as she could to break free from the attacker's grasp.

"MOMMY" Eve exclaimed at the top of her lungs as she quickly stood up, ready to follow her mother's path.

"NO, GEN STAY THERE! STAY THERE" after hearing the urge on her mother's voice, she had no other option but to comply.

The second man, who even then hadn't spoke a word, close the door of the room, staring deep into the girl's eyes as he did so. Until the door was completely closed and Eve couldn't hear anything more than muffled wails of the woman that gave birth to her.

Two outbreaks filled the air and then it came a disturbing silence. Genevieve stayed there for a minute, not really knowing what to next.

Another outbreak came along, the sound of shattering glass made the infant jump in fear of the irruption.

Young Genevieve wasted no more time and headed over to the room, tip toeing just enough so her tiny hands reach the door knob, at least enough to turn it in the right direction and unlocking the room.

Carmella, Eve's mother was laying on her side a very visible bullet wound could be spotted around her rib cage and the body of this grown woman was laying on her own blood "Gen..." the woman breathed out with difficulty and her innocent daughter ran to her, softly hugging her dying parent, despite not being able to fully understand the situation at hand.

The loving mother could only lay there helplessly as she enjoyed the delicate touch of her daughter for the very last time...

"Mommy? Please wake up..."

"WAKE UP" a male voice exclaimed, which inevitably caused for Genevieve to do so as she was being shaken back onto reality.

The room was only enlightened by a single night lamp, and a pair of glistening blue eyes looking down upon her worriedly.

"Are you okay?" He asked, being honest, there wasn't a real way to answer that

"It's just a nightmare..."the black haired girl muttered whipping away the tears out of her puffy red face.

Ivan's heart felt heavy just by seeing his girlfriend struggle, specially knowing he couldn't really do anything about it.

"Eve you've been like this for 2 weeks now"
"I'm okay"
"No, you're not. You barely get any sleep now and when you do this happens" to be fair, it was true "Is it because of Drema?"

Partly yes, he had triggered all those painful memories but there was also something else bothering her, but she couldn't say anything about it until she was completely sure.

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