Chapter 22: Redemption & Vengance

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Today was the day Emilio could finally go back to his normal activities and Ivan was nervous to see him, he had not built up the courage to go see him when he was hospitalized, which was something he definitely regretted; and now, he faced himself with that same nervousness and anxiety, maybe it was a hundred times worse now.

What if Emilio did not want to see him at all? For God's sake he was the reason he was hospitalized in the first place. Even doctors had told him how dangerous and perjuring it could be to Emilio's health undergo to such extreme regimen of physical and psychological demands.
However, he chose to foolishly ignore all the warnings, blinded by his wrong-caused anger and pain, as the boy blamed his brother.

When reality was, there wasn't anyone to blame, out of the both of them. There were simply pawns in a chess game.
A lark orchestrated by their sociopath sister Rebeca, only hell knew what Ivan had in store for her.

Finally, he slowly came in, almost scared he would get kicked out at any moment. Instead, Emilio looked at his twin brother and smiled softly, he seemed almost relieved to see him after all this time, something that Ivan found hard to understand, unsettling even; he was so used to being rejected and despited that he prepared himself for the repudiation, so; whenever-and in the very rare occasions-, he was welcome, he inevitably felt uneasy and a knot was installed in the pit of his stomach.

Ivan stood there frozen, since none of his limbs would command to any of his demands, held down by fear he looked at his older brother and silently asked for forgiveness to all his wrong-doings, Emilio walked up to his brother and without any hesitation, he embraced his sibling within arms.
At first he seemed uncomfortable with such gesture, when reality was that to a certain extent, he was startled.

Thinking about it, he simply wondered why did someone so deranged nor damaged like him could be related to a person like Emilio. He treated him so poorly and yet here he was, hugging him so dearly like nothing ever happened.
Slowly, he reciprocated the display of affection, relaxing his body at the warmth and loving initiative, as he placed his hands on different sections of Emilio's back, resting his chin on his brother's shoulder a clear sense of peace overcame him.

"I'm sorry" he said regretful, his brother smiled as he kept him close
"It wasn't your fault Ivan, it was no ones fault, okay?"

Tears then again started flowing like a river after a wild storm. Part of him hated it, he was so tired of crying and being vulnerable all the time, but he couldn't help himself. He never could, at least not when it came to emotions, it was as if they were a lion who broke his cage, forceful, dominant and uncontrollable.

Emilio cupped his brother's cheeks as he started deep onto his blue orbs that became paler with his crying, his heart ached at seen his brother in such state.

"Listen to me, Ivan I'm not leaving you. I'm not leaving you again" it would be a lie if Ivan said that wasn't most certainly relieving to hear.

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Once Emilio was safe and sound, Ivan felt prepared to fulfill his promise of vengeance. He was extra cautious, although deep down he didn't need to; for him it will always be better safe than sorry.
When truth being told, he would always be the best spy in The Circle, only reason why he wasn't head of snoopers as everyone thought he would be, was because it was his duty to be the leader which was obviously a more respectful-worthy position than any other. But it was also true that it was the most demanding of all.

Even when Genevieve was now in charge being second in command wasn't any less easier since he had to guide her throughout the journey of becoming the right leader for The Circle.

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